首页> 外文期刊>Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation >Exploring Attitudes of Pakistani and Canadian Children towards Television Advertisements: A Cross-cultural Comparative Analysis

Exploring Attitudes of Pakistani and Canadian Children towards Television Advertisements: A Cross-cultural Comparative Analysis


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Children from different socio-cultural backgrounds experience and cognise television advertisements differently, which is always interesting research area to investigate. Previously advertising researchers have reported that children are valuable consumers with the ability to develop their own attitudes towards television advertisements. This article reports findings from a qualitative study that examines children's attitudes towards television advertisements in a cross-cultural context Focus-groups were conducted in Pakistan and Canada because of distinctive cultural differences between the two countries. In all, 72 children volunteered to partake the study (N = 72) where 36 participants were recruited from Canada and the same number of Pakistani teens participated. The study compared the attitudes of Canadian and Pakistani teenagers towards television advertisements in the product category of foods and snacks. This research study is unique in presenting a cross-cultural picture of children's attitudes towards televised food advertisements. The uniqueness of study is evident in its contribution to the cross-cultural consumer socialisation phenomenon that would be beneficial for practitioners and regulatory authorities. The findings outline significant differences between the two subject groups. Importantly, the study presents theoretical and practical implications for researchers. It adds to the literature related to children's socialisation issues and attitudes towards television advertisements. Additionally, it highlights key implications for marketing agencies that strive to develop a foothold in Pakistani and Canadian food markets.
机译:不同社会文化背景的儿童对电视广告的体验和认知方式也不同,这一直是值得研究的有趣研究领域。先前的广告研究人员曾报告说,儿童是有价值的消费者,具有发展自己对电视广告态度的能力。本文报道了一项定性研究的结果,该研究考察了儿童在跨文化背景下对电视广告的态度。由于两国之间的独特文化差异,在巴基斯坦和加拿大进行了焦点小组讨论。共有72名儿童自愿参加了这项研究(N = 72),从加拿大招募了36名参与者,并且有相同数量的巴基斯坦青少年参加。该研究比较了加拿大和巴基斯坦青少年对食品和小吃产品类别中的电视广告的态度。这项研究的独特之处在于展示了儿童对电视食品广告态度的跨文化图片。研究的独特之处在于它对跨文化的消费者社会化现象的贡献,这将对从业者和监管机构有利。调查结果概述了两个受试者组之间的显着差异。重要的是,该研究对研究人员提出了理论和实践意义。它增加了有关儿童社会化问题和对电视广告态度的文献。此外,它突显了对努力在巴基斯坦和加拿大食品市场立足的营销机构的关键意义。



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