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The Soldier as Lethal Warrior and Cooperative Political Agent: On the Soldier's Ethical and Political Obligations toward the Indigenous Other


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An adequate configuration of the military ethic, which encompasses the U.S. Army's professional and ethical self-understanding, should integrate the soldier's ethicopolitical obligations toward the indigenous other, that is, the person who lives where soldiers are deployed. The argument first posits a distinction between cosmopolitan and patriotic configurations of the soldier's obligations. David Petraeus's counterinsurgency guidance typifies the former; Matthew Moten's configuration of the professional military ethic typifies the latter. Second, Hannah Arendt's distinction between Work and Action instructs that one does not "build" a polity; political foundations are fugitive and unpredictable. Third, considering Arendt's theory and current missions, the soldier as a political agent cannot produce stability or build a nation with instrumental certitude; however, the soldier can foster conditions and intervene in ways to nudge circumstances toward a better state of affairs. Finally, military professionals should cultivate a cosmopolitan attitude informed by William Connolly's ethos of engagement to help them fulfill their obligations to the other.
机译:包括美国陆军的职业和道德自我理解在内的适当的军事道德构想,应将士兵的政治政治义务纳入对原住民,即居住在士兵所在地区的人的政治政治义务。该论点首先在士兵的义务的国际主义和爱国主义形态之间作出区分。大卫·彼得雷乌斯(David Petraeus)的平叛指导是前者的典型代表。马修·莫滕(Matthew Moten)对专业军事道德的配置是后者的代表。其次,汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)对工作与行动的区分表明,人们不能“建立”政体。政治基础是逃犯和不可预测的。第三,考虑到阿伦特的理论和当前的任务,作为政治代理人的士兵不能产生稳定或建立具有工具性信念的国家。但是,士兵可以养成条件,并采取干预措施,使情况趋于改善。最后,军事专业人员应在威廉·康诺利(William Connolly)的敬业精神指导下,养成一种国际主义的态度,以帮助他们履行对彼此的义务。



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