首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Toxicology >Identification of a novel M-superfamily conotoxin with the ability to enhance tetrodotoxin sensitive sodium currents

Identification of a novel M-superfamily conotoxin with the ability to enhance tetrodotoxin sensitive sodium currents


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In this work, a novel M-superfamily conotoxin, designated lt3a, was purified from the crude venom of Conus litteratus. Combined with peptide sequencing, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and cDNA cloning techniques, the amino acid sequence of lt3a was supposed to be DγCCγ OQWCDGACDCCS, where O is hydroxyproline and γ is carboxyglutamate. The Cys framework of lt3a (–CC–C–C–CC–) is similar to that of ψ-, μ-, κM-conotoxins, which are representatives of M-conotoxins. Peptide lt3a is categorized into M1 branch based on the number of residues in the last Cys loop. Whole cell patch-clamp study on adult rat dorsal root ganglion neurons indicated that lt3a could enhance tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium currents. This is a previously unknown function of M-superfamily conotoxins.
机译:在这项工作中,一种新型的M-超家族芋螺毒素被命名为lt3a,是从枯山芽孢杆菌的粗毒液中纯化得到的。结合肽测序,MALDI-TOF质谱和cDNA克隆技术,lt3a的氨基酸序列假定为DγCCγOQWCDGACDCCS,其中O为羟脯氨酸,γ为羧谷氨酸。 lt3a(–CC–CC–C–CC–)的Cys构架与ψ-,μ-,κM-芋螺毒素类似,它们是M-芋螺毒素的代表。根据最后一个Cys环中的残基数目,肽lt3a分为M1分支。对成年大鼠背根神经节神经元的全细胞膜片钳研究表明,lt3a可以增强河豚毒素敏感性钠电流。这是M超家族芋螺毒素以前未知的功能。



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