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A gateway to the 'backwoods': Aalto and the matter of rooting modernity


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Mediating between forestand garden, tradition and modernity, a small wooden gate at Alvar Aalto's Villa Mairea is shown to be deeply rooted in Finnish cultural memories. In 1939 Alvar Aalto completed a substantial house in a forest clearing for his friends Harri and Maire Gullichsen, wealthy heirs to the Ahlstrom company. Villa Mairea is loadedwith layer upon layer of meaning and multiple references to many architectures, past and present. If a unity, as many critics suggest, it is undoubtedly a difficult one. Indeed, Modernist herald, Sigfried Giedion, wrote of Villa Mairea that, 'even one accustomed to judge immediately the qualities of a building will not easily comprehend the architectural instrumentation of Mairea' [1].
机译:阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)的Villa Mairea别墅的小木门介于森林和花园,传统与现代之间,被深深植根于芬兰的文化记忆中。 1939年,阿尔瓦·阿尔托(Alvar Aalto)在森林砍伐中为他的朋友哈里(Harri)和梅尔·古利森(Maire Gullichsen)(Ahlstrom公司的富有继承人)完成了一座坚固的房子。迈雷别墅(Villa Mairea)充满了层层含义,并涉及过去和现在的许多建筑。正如许多批评家所建议的那样,如果一个统一无疑是困难的。确实,现代主义先驱西格弗里德·基迪翁(Sigfried Giedion)谈到了Villa Mairea,“即使习惯于立即判断建筑物质量的人也不会轻易理解Mairea的建筑工具” [1]。



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