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Social democratic space: the politics of building in 'Golden Age' Britain, c.1950-1973


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The concept of 'space' is fluid, contingent upon the circumstances of the moment. Sociologists have demonstrated how ideas of place can arise, change, even disappear in the age of the Internet and the fast jet engine. They have also shown how the concept of space can be used to analyse problems as diverse as normative ideas, pathological fears, and professional and political power. In that last vein, David Harvey argued in 1973 that 'created space [...] reflects the prevailing ideology of the ruling groups [... it] is an integral part of an intricate sign-process that gives direction and meaning to daily life'. Harvey's insight came at the high-point of Marxism's influence in the social sciences. But it also gave expression to a remarkable collapse in confidence in the objectivity of governments at a time when even the most optimistic writers accept that 'Britain seemed to be in a state of collapse'. This was a remarkable descent from the optimism of the post-war world. As Minister of Health Aneurin Bevan declared, when he laid the foundation stone of the Spa Green Estate in Finsbury in July 1946: 'we are going to [...] rebuild Britain [...] with cities that will be the joy of generations to come'. How and why had this great sea-change occurred?
机译:“空间”的概念是可变的,取决于当时的情况。社会学家已经证明,在互联网和快速喷气引擎时代,位置观念是如何产生,改变甚至消失的。他们还展示了如何使用空间概念来分析各种问题,包括规范性思想,病理性恐惧以及专业和政治权力。大卫·哈维(David Harvey)在1973年提出的最后一道论点是:“创造的空间反映了统治集团的普遍意识形态,是复杂的标志过程的组成部分,标志过程为日常工作赋予了方向和意义。生活'。哈维的见解来自马克思主义在社会科学领域的影响的高峰。但这也表达了对政府客观性的信心大幅度下降,而即使是最乐观的作家也承认“英国似乎处于崩溃状态”。这是战后世界乐观主义的显着下降。正如卫生部长Aneurin Bevan宣布的那样,他在1946年7月为Finsbury的Spa Green Estate奠定了奠基石时说:“我们将用能够使他们感到高兴的城市重建英国。后代”。这种巨大的变化是如何发生的以及为什么发生的?



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