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The place of VR technologies in UK architectural practice


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Since the year 2000, interactive immersive technology is widely affordable and available across disciplines and in the private domain. This paper presents the results of an original survey amongst the AJ100 (27 February 2018) practices in the UK exploring the use of VR technologies in contemporary architectural practice. It investigates the type and intensity of the use in practices different in size, type but unified by their high ambitions and recognition as the leading practices in the UK. The survey reveals that 52% of the AJ100 practices use VR in their offices. Sixty percent of the VR outputs are 360-degree panoramic images leaving 40% to (Construct UK Ltd) the production of VR walkthrough models. The surveyed practices report an almost balanced split between desktop tethered hardware and mobile devices, whereas large hardware installations i.e. CAVE VR or Space Domes play a subordinate role in their office equipment. It is not surprising that the VR technologies are heavily used in client meetings and for representation purposes, but the study also revealed that the VR has found its way into the genuine design processes within the core design team as well as in coordination activities between stakeholders outside the client related communication, i.e. consultant communication. The findings of the study are based on a response rate of 72% including 13 offices from the top 20 of the AJ100 practices in the UK.
机译:自2000年以来,交互式沉浸式技术的价格已经很便宜,并且可以跨学科和在私有领域中使用。本文介绍了一项针对英国AJ100(2018年2月27日)实践的原始调查结果,探讨了VR技术在当代建筑实践中的使用情况。它调查了规模,类型不同但因其雄心勃勃和被公认为是英国领先实践而统一的实践的类型和强度。调查显示,有52%的AJ100实践在其办公室中使用VR。 60%的VR输出是360度全景图像,其中40%留给了(Construct UK Ltd)VR演练模型。接受调查的实践报告说,台式机系留硬件和移动设备之间的平衡几乎是平衡的,而大型硬件安装即CAVE VR或Space Domes在其办公设备中起从属作用。不足为奇的是,虚拟现实技术被广泛用于客户会议和代表目的,但研究还表明,虚拟现实已进入核心设计团队内部真正的设计流程以及外部利益相关者之间的协调活动中与客户有关的沟通,即顾问沟通。这项研究的结果基于72%的回应率,其中包括英国AJ100做法前20名中的13个办事处。



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