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The New Slum Urbanism of Caracas, Invasions and Settlements, Colonialism, Democracy, Capitalism and Devil Worship


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The common usage of brownfield referring to a site first abandoned through disuse and then left fallow because of contamination, pertains to so-called Western, but perhaps more precisely Northern, post-industrial economies with shrinking populations and urban centres made obsolete through car-driven sprawl. In this context, a persistent brownfield stands apart as 'other' to the spatial order of the city. A redeveloped brownfield becomes a player in the larger social setting and environment. In the regions of the world where cities of 10 million or more continue to grow at an enormous rate, or where industry booms, the strategies and even the definitions of brownfield change. Carlos Brillembourg describes how such extreme sites and those who inhabit them shape the spatial structure of the Venezuelan capital, Caracas.
机译:棕地的常见用法是指首先因废弃而废弃,然后由于污染而休耕的场所,这与所谓的西方国家有关,但更确切地说,是北方的后工业经济,人口不断减少,而城市中心由于汽车驱动而过时了蔓延。在这种情况下,一个持久的棕地与城市的空间秩序“不同”。重新开发的棕地成为更大社会环境中的参与者。在世界上千万人口以上的城市继续以惊人的速度增长或工业蓬勃发展的地区,战略甚至对棕地的定义都发生了变化。卡洛斯·布里恩博格(Carlos Brillembourg)描述了这些极端地点及其居住者如何塑造委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯的空间结构。



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