首页> 外文期刊>Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering >Experimental Investigations and a New Numerical Model for Evolution of Formwork Pressure in SCC

Experimental Investigations and a New Numerical Model for Evolution of Formwork Pressure in SCC


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A new FEM-based numerical model is proposed for simulating the evolution of formwork pressure exerted by fresh self-compacting concrete (SCC). The proposed model considers SCC as an isotropic linear elastic homogeneous material confined in a rigid body, with the boundary layer behavior being simulated as viscoplastic. The values of the boundary shearing stress at wall vary with height depending on the resting time between castings of a specific portion of the SCC to the moment the pressure measurement is taken. Experimental investigations were conducted on a full-scale formwork to obtain the evolution of formwork pressure exerted by SCC mixes made with different mineral admixtures. Concrete was poured in a steel formwork of thickness of 200 mm, length of 3.0 m and overall height of 3.1 m. The variation of pressure across the height was measured using pressure transducers placed at different heights along the wall for a total period of 12 h. Four SCC mixes with different mineral admixtures, fly ash, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag and the control mix with a w/c ratio of 0.35 were used in the experimental program. Rheological parameters including the yield stress, relative viscosity and thixotropy were obtained for each mix and determined simultaneously. The experimentally obtained pressure-time evolution curves correlated reasonably well with those obtained from the proposed numerical model. The results indicate that the decay of formwork pressure after an initial period becomes sensitive to the time evolution of the Poisson ratio of the blended concretes.
机译:提出了一种新的基于有限元的数值模型,用于模拟新鲜自密实混凝土(SCC)施加的模板压力的变化。所提出的模型将SCC视为局限在刚体中的各向同性线性弹性均质材料,并将边界层行为模拟为粘塑性。壁上的边界剪切应力的值随高度的变化而变化,这取决于SCC特定部位的铸件到进行压力测量时的静止时间。对全尺寸模板进行了实验研究,以了解由不同矿物掺合料制成的SCC混合物施加的模板压力的变化情况。将混凝土倒入厚度为200毫米,长度为3.0 m,总高度为3.1 m的钢模板中。使用沿墙壁放置在不同高度的压力传感器测量整个高度的压力变化,持续时间总计12 h。实验程序中使用了四种具有不同矿物掺合料的SCC混合物,粉煤灰,硅粉,高炉矿渣粉和w / c比为0.35的对照混合物。获得每种混合物的流变参数,包括屈服应力,相对粘度和触变性,并同时进行测定。实验获得的压力-时间演化曲线与从所提出的数值模型获得的曲线具有合理的相关性。结果表明,模板压力在初始阶段后的衰减变得对混合混凝土的泊松比的时间演化敏感。



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