首页> 外文期刊>The Appraisal Journal >A Survey Approach for Demonstrating Stigma Effects in Properly Value Litigation

A Survey Approach for Demonstrating Stigma Effects in Properly Value Litigation


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There are many reasons why similar properties command different prices. The determination that property value differences exist among comparable properties is a primary task for appraisers. Once a price difference has been determined, identifying the causes for such differences is central to legal claims of stigma. Plaintiffs have the burden of demonstrating a causal connection between the purported source of stigmatization and the responses of buyers. This article presents an approach for designing a survey to address stigma issues and meet the legal requirements for admitting survey data as evidence. The survey does not attempt to quantify dollar losses; it is intended to show a link between negative values in the sales data and negative perceptions of properties in the class area.



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