首页> 外文期刊>Applied Surface Science >Surface anchoring behavior of 5CB liquid crystal confined between iron surfaces: A molecular dynamics study

Surface anchoring behavior of 5CB liquid crystal confined between iron surfaces: A molecular dynamics study


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To examine the anchoring behavior of 4-n-pentyl-4'-cyano biphenyl (5CB) liquid crystal (LC) on iron surfaces, united-atom molecular dynamics simulations were performed with a similar to 12 nm 5CB film composed of 1000 molecules under confinement between both the atomically-flat surfaces and sinusoidal grooved surfaces. The order parameter of 5CB is enhanced by the grooved surfaces, but diminished by the flat one. In both cases, 5CB molecules away from surfaces tend to align parallel to surfaces and along a certain direction. However, for the 5CB near surfaces, the flat surface yields a random planar anchoring and the grooved surface induces a unidirectional planar anchoring. The diffusion slows down when 5CB is confined between surfaces and the slowing down is mainly concentrated near surfaces, making 5CB solid-like. For the 5CB away from surfaces, the flat surface slows down the diffusion, while the grooved surface accelerates the diffusion, especially along the groove (and the director n) direction. The results provide a full description of the iron-LC interactions at the nanoscale and are important for the understanding of LC behaviors anchoring on surfaces with different morphologies.
机译:为了检查4-n-戊基-4'-氰基联苯(5CB)液晶(LC)在铁表面上的锚固行为,使用类似于1000 nm分子组成的12 nm 5CB薄膜进行了联合原子分子动力学模拟原子平面和正弦沟槽表面之间的约束。带槽表面提高了5CB的有序参数,但平坦表面却降低了。在这两种情况下,远离表面的5CB分子都倾向于平行于表面并沿某个方向排列。但是,对于5CB附近的表面,平坦的表面会产生随机的平面锚固,而开槽的表面会引起单向的平面锚固。当5CB被限制在表面之间时,扩散减慢,并且减慢主要集中在表面附近,使5CB呈固态。对于远离表面的5CB,平坦表面会减慢扩散速度,而开槽表面会加快扩散速度,尤其是沿着凹槽(和指向矢n)方向。结果提供了纳米级铁-LC相互作用的完整描述,对于理解锚定在具有不同形态的表面上的LC行为非常重要。



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