首页> 外文期刊>Applied numerical mathematics >Analysis of errors in some recent numerical quadrature formulas for periodic singular and hypersingular integrals via regularization

Analysis of errors in some recent numerical quadrature formulas for periodic singular and hypersingular integrals via regularization


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Recently, we derived some new numerical quadrature formulas of trapezoidal rule type for the singular integrals I~((1))[u] = ∫_a~b(cot π(x-t)/T)u(x)dx and I~((2))[u] = ∫_a~b(csc~2 π(x-t)/T) u(x)dx, with b-a = T and u(x) a T-periodic continuous function on R. These integrals are not defined in the regular sense, but are defined in the sense of Cauchy Principal Value and Hadamard Finite Part, respectively. With h = (b - a), n = 1,2,…, the numerical quadrature formulas Q_n~((1))[u] for I~((1))[u] and Q_n~((2))[u] for I~((2))[u] are Q_n~((1))[u] = h ~nΣ_(j=1) f(t+jh-h/2), f(x) = (cot π(x-t)/T)u(x), and Q_n~((2))[u] =h ~nΣ_(j=1) f(t+jh-h/2) - T~2 u(t)h~(-1), f(x) = (csc~2 π(x-t)/T)u(x).We provided a complete analysis of the errors in these formulas under the assumption that u ∈C~∞ (R) and is T-periodic. We actually showed that, I~((1))[u]-Q_n~((1))[u] = O(n~(-μ)) and I~((2))[u]-Q_n~((2))[u] = O(n~(-μ)) as n→∞, (V)_μ > 0.In this note, we analyze the errors in these formulas under the weaker assumption that u ∈ C~s(R) for some finite integer s. By first regularizing these integrals, we prove that, if u~((s+1)) is pjecewise continuous, then I~((1))[u] - Q_n~((1))[u] = o(n~(-s-1/2)) as n → ∞, if s≥ 1, and I~((2))[u] - Q_n~((2))[u] = o(n~(-s+1/2)) as n →∞, if s ≥ 2.We also extend these results by imposing different smoothness conditions on u~((s+1)). Finally, we append suitable numerical examples.
机译:最近,我们针对奇异积分I〜((1))[u] =∫_a〜b(cotπ(xt)/ T)u(x)dx和I〜( (2))[u] =∫_a〜b(csc〜2π(xt)/ T)u(x)dx,其中ba = T,u(x)是R上的T周期连续函数。这些积分是不是常规意义上的定义,而是分别以柯西主值和Hadamard有限部分的意义定义。当h =(b-a)/ n,n = 1,2,…,时,I〜((1))[u]和Q_n〜((2)的数字正交公式Q_n〜((1))[u] ))[u] for I〜((2))[u]是Q_n〜((1))[u] = h〜nΣ_(j = 1)f(t + jh-h / 2),f(x )=(cotπ(xt)/ T)u(x),Q_n〜((2))[u] = h〜nΣ_(j = 1)f(t + jh-h / 2)-T〜2 u(t)h〜(-1),f(x)=(csc〜2π(xt)/ T)u(x)在假设u∈C的情况下,我们对这些公式中的误差进行了完整的分析〜∞(R)且为T周期。我们实际上表明,I〜((1))[u] -Q_n〜((1))[u] = O(n〜(-μ))和I〜((2))[u] -Q_n〜 ((2))[u] = O(n〜(-μ))为n→∞,(V)_μ> 0.在此注中,我们在较弱的假设u∈C〜下分析这些公式中的误差s(R)对于某些有限整数s。通过首先对这些积分进行正则化,我们证明,如果u〜((s + 1))是逐次连续的,则I〜((1))[u]-Q_n〜((1))[u] = o(n 〜(-s-1 / 2))为n→∞,如果s≥1,并且I〜((2))[u]-Q_n〜((2))[u] = o(n〜(-s如果s≥2,则+1/2))为n→∞。我们还通过在u〜((s + 1))上施加不同的平滑度条件来扩展这些结果。最后,我们附上适当的数值示例。



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