首页> 外文期刊>Applied Energy >Measurement of meteorological data based on wireless data acquisition system monitoring

Measurement of meteorological data based on wireless data acquisition system monitoring


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Estimation of solar energy potential of a region requires detailed solar radiation climatology, and it is necessary to collect extensive radiation data of high accuracy covering all climatic zones of the region. In this regard, a wireless data acquisition system (WDAS) would help to estimate solar energy potential considering the remote region's energy requirement. This article explains the design and implementation of WDAS for assessment of solar energy. The proposed system consists of a set of sensors for measuring meteorological parameters. The collected data are first conditioned using precision electronic circuits and then interfaced to a PC using RS232 connection via wireless unit. The LabVIEW program is used to further process, display and store the collected data in the PC disk. The proposed architecture permits the rapid system development and has the advantage of flexibility and it can be easily extended for controlling the renewable energy systems like photovoltaic system. The WDAS with executive information systems and reporting tools helps to tap vast data resources and deliver information.
机译:估算一个地区的太阳能潜力需要详细的太阳辐射气候学,并且有必要收集覆盖该地区所有气候区的高精度的广泛辐射数据。在这方面,考虑到偏远地区的能源需求,无线数据采集系统(WDAS)将有助于估算太阳能的潜力。本文介绍了用于评估太阳能的WDAS的设计和实现。拟议的系统由一组用于测量气象参数的传感器组成。首先使用精密电子电路对收集的数据进行处理,然后通过无线单元使用RS232连接将其连接到PC。 LabVIEW程序用于进一步处理,显示和将收集的数据存储在PC磁盘中。所提出的体系结构允许快速的系统开发并且具有灵活性的优点,并且可以容易地扩展以控制诸如光伏系统的可再生能源系统。具有主管信息系统和报告工具的WDAS有助于挖掘大量数据资源并提供信息。



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