首页> 外文期刊>応用糖質科学 >D-Allose, a Stereoisomer of D-Glucose, Extends the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans via Sirtuin and Insulin Signaling

D-Allose, a Stereoisomer of D-Glucose, Extends the Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans via Sirtuin and Insulin Signaling


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D-Allose (D-All), C-3 epimer of D-glucose, is a rare sugar known to suppress reactive oxygen species generation and prevent hypertension. We previously reported that D-allulose, a structural isomer of D-All, prolongs the lifespan of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Thus, D-All was predicted to affect longevity. In this study, we provide the first empirical evidence that D-All extends the lifespan of C. elegans. Lifespan assays revealed that a lifespan extension was induced by 28 mM D-All. In particular, a lifespan extension of 23.8 % was achieved (p < 0.0001). We further revealed that the effects of D-All on lifespan were dependent on the insulin gene daf-16 and the longevity gene sir-2.1, indicating a distinct mechanism from those of other hexoses, such as D-allulose, with previously reported antiaging effects.
机译:D-葡萄糖(D-Allose)是D-葡萄糖的C-3差向异构体,是一种稀有糖,已知可抑制活性氧的产生并预防高血压。我们先前曾报道过D-Allulose是D-All的结构异构体,可延长线虫秀丽隐杆线虫的寿命。因此,预计D-All会影响寿命。在这项研究中,我们提供了D-All延长线虫寿命的第一个经验证据。寿命测定显示寿命延长是由28 mM D-All诱导的。特别是,使用寿命延长了23.8%(p <0.0001)。我们进一步揭示了D-All对寿命的影响取决于胰岛素基因daf-16和长寿基因sir-2.1,表明与其他己糖(例如D-阿洛糖)的机制不同,具有先前报道的抗衰老作用。



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