首页> 外文期刊>The Annals of Occupational Hygiene >How Safe is Control Banding? Integrated Evaluation by Comparing OELs with Measurement Data and Using Monte Carlo Simulation

How Safe is Control Banding? Integrated Evaluation by Comparing OELs with Measurement Data and Using Monte Carlo Simulation

机译:控制组合的安全性如何?通过将OEL与测量数据进行比较并使用Monte Carlo模拟进行综合评估

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The present study aims to explore the protection level that can be achieved by the German control banding (CB) tool Einfaches Massnahmenkonzept Gefahrstoffe, ‘Easy-to-use workplace control scheme for hazardous substances’. The rationale of our integrated approach is based on the Bewertungsindex (BWI), which is the quotient of the exposure level and the occupational exposure limit (OEL), with BWI <1 indicating compliance. The frequency distributions of the BWI were calculated in order to reflect statistically the variability of workplace conditions. The corresponding statistical values of the frequency distributions (percentiles etc.) are interpreted as an indicator of the level of protection that is achieved.
机译:本研究旨在探索德国控制带(CB)工具Einfaches Massnahmenkonzept Gefahrstoffe可以实现的保护级别,“易用的有害物质工作场所控制方案”。我们采用综合方法的理由是基于Bewertungsindex(BWI),它是暴露水平与职业暴露极限(OEL)的商,BWI <1表示合规。计算BWI的频率分布是为了统计地反映工作场所条件的可变性。频率分布的相应统计值(百分数等)被解释为所达到的保护级别的指标。



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