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Excess cation concentrations in shoots and roots of pasture species of importance in south-eastern Australia


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Excess cation concentrations (total cations – total inorganic anions) are reported for roots and shoots of 16 plant species of importance in pastures in south-eastern Australia. This information is required for the calculation of acidification in grazed pasture systems. The excess cation concentrations for shoots at flowering were [cmol(+)/kg]: perennial grasses — Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) 50, Phalaris aquatic (phalaris) 51, Danthonia richardsonii (wallaby grass) 30, Dactylus glomerata (cocksfoot) 62, Holcus lanatus (Fog grass) 60; annual grasses — Lolium rigidum 29, Vulpia bromoides (vulpia) 40, Hordeum leporinum (barley grass) 46, Bromus mollis (soft brome) 59; perennial legumes — Medicago sativa (lucerne) 115, Trifolium repens (white clover) 147; annual legumes — Trifolium subterraneum (subterranean clover) 142, Medicago truncatula (barrel medic) 114, Ornithopus sativus (serradella) 137; weeds — Arctotheca calendula (cape weed) 165, Echium plantagineum (Paterson’s curse) 169. Values for roots were in the same order as shoots in vulpia and wallaby grass but lower for the other species, varying between 26 and 62% of the shoot value in grasses and 29 and 49% in legumes. For a subset of 4 legumes and 3 grasses, the excess cation concentrations in shoots were measured over the main production period in spring. Excess cation concentrations generally declined during the season, with the change being relatively larger in grasses than legumes.
机译:据报道,澳大利亚东南部牧场中16种重要植物的根和芽的阳离子浓度过高(阳离子总量-无机阴离子总量)。在草场牧场系统中计算酸化度需要此信息。开花时芽的过量阳离子浓度为[cmol(+)/ kg]:多年生草—黑麦草(多年生黑麦草)50,ala草(phalaris)51,Danthonia richardsonii(袋鼠草)30,Dactylus glomerata(cocksfoot)62 ,Holcus lanatus(雾草)60;一年生禾本科植物—硬叶黑麦草29,溴乌贼(vulpia)40,猪大麦(大麦草)46,软体木(Bromus mollis)(软溴)59;多年生豆类-紫花苜蓿(紫花苜蓿)115,白三叶(白三叶草)147;一年生豆科植物-地下三叶草142,Medi藜苜蓿114(桶状军医),虎眼万年青137(豆蔻)。杂草—金盏花(海角杂草)165,植物ch草(帕特森的诅咒)169。根的值与v虫和鼠袋草的芽顺序相同,但其他物种的根值较低,介于芽值的26%至62%之间在草丛中占29%,在豆类中占49%。对于4个豆科植物和3个草的子集,在春季的主产期内测量了芽中过量的阳离子浓度。整个季节中过量的阳离子浓度通常会下降,草中的变化相对比豆类大。



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