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Failure to find aversive marking of toxic foods by Norway rats


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A series of five experiments were undertaken to determine whether Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, that had learned to avoid eating an unfamiliar food (demonstrators) would mark the food (or its surroundings) in a way that reduced the probability that naieve conspecifics would eat the marked food. We found no evidence that demonstrators aversively marked foods that they had learned to avoid. To the contrary, naieve subjects ate more in areas soiled by demonstrators that had learned to avoid a food located there than they ate in unsoiled areas. Furthermore, when naieve rats were given a choice between two samples of an unfamiliar food, one in an area soiled by demonstrators that had learned to avoid the food, the other in an area soiled by demonstrators that had not learned to avoid the food, the naieve rats ate an equal amount in both areas. The data indicate that, as in social learning about food at a distance from a feeding site, residual cues deposited by rats around feeding sites directly affect where or what conspecifics eat, not where or what they avoid eating. We discuss possible ultimate explanations for this failure of naieve rats to learn socially to avoid foods in areas that conspecifics soil after becoming ill.
机译:进行了一系列的五个实验,以确定已经学会避免食用陌生食物(示威者)的挪威老鼠Rattus norvegicus是否会以减少幼稚的​​同种动物吃掉该物种的概率来标记食物(或其周围环境)。标记食物。我们没有发现证据表明示威者厌恶地标记了他们已学会避免食用的食物。相反,幼稚的受试者在示威者弄脏的地方进食的知识要多于未受污染的地区,示威者已经学会了避免在附近进食。此外,当在两个不熟悉的食物样本之间进行选择时,其中一个在示威者弄脏的区域中学会了避免食物,另一个在没有学会躲避食物的示威者区域中进行了研究,幼稚的老鼠在这两个区域的饮食相同。数据表明,就像在社会上对远离进食地点的食物的了解中一样,老鼠在进食地点附近堆积的残留线索直接影响特定物种在何处或何处进食,而不影响他们避免进食的地点或食物。我们讨论了这种天真的老鼠在社交方面的学习失败的可能的最终解释,即避免生病后限定土壤的食物。



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