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Sexual conflict over parental care in a species with female and male brood desertion


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Each parent has limited resources to invest in current reproduction, so each parent would benefit if its mate did more of the work, which generates a sexual conflict between parents. Parental care behaviour is an adaptive decision, involving trade-offs between remating (and consequently desertion of the brood) and continuing parental effort. The rock sparrow, Petronia petronia, is an unusual species in which brood desertion can occur in both sexes. Consequently, the rock sparrow is a good species to investigate the behavioural response of parents to the desertion by their mates and whether sexual difference in this response exists. We compared parental effort of pair members divided into three groups: pairs that cooperated, females that deserted the brood and males that deserted. During the period of biparental care, females fed offspring more often than males, but there were no differences among the three groups. Following desertion the total amount of care in biparental, female-only and male-only broods differed, because both sexes adjusted their care to the absence of their mates, but females overcompensated the mate's absence while males only partially compensated. Nestling survival rate was positively correlated with feeding rate and the mean survival rate was lower in the male-only broods. We suggest that both parents, in a negotiation process, would benefit from withholding parental investment, as proposed in recent theoretical models on sexual conflict over parental care. Altogether our results show an unexpected plastic response of parents to care during the desertion process.
机译:每个父母都有有限的资源来投资当前的生殖,因此,如果父母的配偶做更多的工作,则每个父母都会从中受益,这会在父母之间产生性冲突。父母的照料行为是一种适应性的决定,涉及到重婚(以及随之而来的育雏)与持续的父母努力之间的权衡。麻雀,Petronia petronia,是一种不寻常的物种,在这两种物种中都可能发生抛巢现象。因此,麻雀是研究父母对伴侣行为的反应以及在这种反应中是否存在性别差异的良好物种。我们将配对成员的父母努力分为三组:配对的配对,雌性的抛弃育雏和雄性的抛弃。在双亲照顾期间,女性喂养子女的频率要高于男性,但三组之间没有差异。离开后,双亲,仅女性和仅男性育儿的总护理量有所不同,因为两性都将其照护调整为没有配偶,但是女性过度补偿了配偶的缺席,而男性仅部分补偿。雄性母鸡的雏鸟成活率与喂养率呈正相关,平均成活率较低。我们建议,正如最近关于父母监护权上的性冲突的理论模型所建议的那样,父母双方在协商过程中都将从扣留父母的投资中受益。总的来说,我们的研究结果表明,在逃兵过程中,父母对照顾的意外反应是塑料的。



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