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The effect of male dominance on female choice in a field cricket (Gryllus assimilis)

机译:雄性优势对田雌性选择的影响(Gryllus assimilis)

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Theory suggests that behaviours previously thought only to influence intrasexual selection, such as aggression between males, can also be co-opted to serve in intersexual selection as honest indicators of male quality. Our previous research revealed an audience effect: male Jamaican field crickets, Gryllus assimilis, fight more aggressively in front of a female audience. One way for this to evolve is if females are more attracted to more aggressive males or fight winners. Given the potential interplay between intra- and intersexual selection, we investigated how observing a fight influences subsequent female mate choice and mating behaviour. We utilized two female treatments: Observers watched the two males fight, whereas Non-observers watched two noninteracting males. We then immediately tested Observer and Non-observer females for their mating preferences towards male fight participants using dichotomous and no-choice tests. Our approach enabled us to assess whether females preferred either dominant (winner) or subordinate (loser) males and whether females gathered information about males while watching them fight that informed their mating preferences. While females did not prefer fight winners over losers in dichotomous choice tests, in the no-choice tests, females were more likely to mount winners and mount males that they had preferred in the dichotomous choice tests. Intra-and intersexual competition appears to be mutually reinforcing in this species, but eavesdropping is unlikely to explain the evolution of audience effects. (C) 2016 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:理论表明,以前认为仅会影响性别选择的行为,例如男性之间的攻击性,也可以选择作为男性质量的真实指标用于性别选择。我们之前的研究显示了观众的影响:牙买加牙买加田field(Gryllus assimilis)在女性观众面前更加激进。这种发展的一种方法是让女性更吸引更具攻击性的男性或争取胜利者。考虑到性别选择之间的潜在相互作用,我们研究了观察打架如何影响随后的女性配偶选择和交配行为。我们采用了两种女性治疗方法:观察者观看了两名男性的战斗,而非观察者观看了两名不互动的男性。然后,我们立即使用二分和非选择测验对观察者和非观察者雌性对男性战斗参与者的交配偏好进行了测试。我们的方法使我们能够评估雌性是偏爱优势(胜者)还是劣势(败者)的雄性,以及雌性是否在观看雄性时收集了有关雄性的信息,从而了解了他们的交配偏好。尽管在二分选择测试中女性不喜欢胜利者而不是失败者,但在无选择测试中,女性更有可能获得在二分选择测试中更喜欢的获胜者和男性。内异性竞争在该物种中似乎是相互促进的,但是窃听不太可能解释听众效果的演变。 (C)2016动物行为研究协会。由Elsevier Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。



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