首页> 外文期刊>分析化学 >Chelex-100キレート樹脂を用いる前処理と誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による日本近海及び太平洋の海水中インジウムの定量



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Inは,地核中の濃度が重量で0.24ppm という希元素のrn一つである.安定な同位体の質量数は,113と115で,rnこれらの存在比は,それぞれ4.29%,95.71%である.rnIn は,歯科医用の合金,はんだや半導体のための純結晶rnなどに使われてきたが,最近では液晶ディスプレー用にイrnンジウム一酸化スズ(ITO)として使われるようになり,rn急速に需要が増大している.%Recently, the demand for indium (In) is increasing mainly due to its use for electrodes of liquid crystal displays. In is toxic and causes the sickness and vomiting in the case of oral intake. Thus, the determination of In in sea water is important since In is accumulated in marine creatures and is finally taken into human beings. Therefore, the concentration of In in the seawater around Japan and the north eastern Pacific Ocean was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As a pretreatment, a Chelex-100 chelating resin method was used. ~(115)In was used for a measurement by MS, and a high background signal was observed when the eluent was heated with hydrochloric acid to vaporize the ammonium ion so as to remove the interference by magnesium and calcium in sea-water samples. This high background is presumably due to Ar_2Cl~+ polyatomic ion because a background intensity was very low when N_2-MIP-MS was used to determine In. However, the high background signal greatly decreased upon heating the solution with HNO_3 (1 + 1) before preparing the final solution for the measurement by MS. The results obtained by the proposed method were compared with those by solvent extraction with APDC-HMAHMDC/xylene, and the results using both methods were in a good agreement with each other. The concentrations of In around Japan were considerably different between the sampling points. However, the results in the Pacific Ocean were almost equal over a wide sea area. The concentration of In (including around Japan and the Pacific Ocean) was in the ranges of 0.08 ~0.72 ng/L and the relative standard deviations of the results were 8.3% ~ 37.5%.
机译:In是稀有元素rn,其在地核中的浓度为0.24 ppm(重量)。稳定同位素的质量数为113和115,其丰度比分别为4.29%和95.71%。铟已被用于牙医的合金中,纯晶体被用于焊料和半导体等,但最近已被用作液晶显示器的一氧化铟锡(ITO)。需求在增加。 %最近,对铟(In)的需求增加主要是由于其在液晶显示器的电极中的使用; In有毒,在口服时会引起疾病和呕吐,因此,海水中In的测定是由于In是在海洋生物中积累并最终被人类吸收的重要元素,因此,通过电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)测量了日本和东北太平洋周围海水中的In浓度。 ,使用Chelex-100螯合树脂方法〜(115)In用于MS测量,当洗脱液与盐酸一起加热蒸发铵离子以消除干扰时,观察到高背景信号。该高背景可能是由于Ar_2Cl〜+多原子离子引起的,因为当使用N_2-MIP-MS测定In时背景强度非常低。但是,海水样品中镁和钙的高背景信号。用HNO_3(1 +1)加热溶液后再用MS制备最终溶液时,l大大降低了。将该方法获得的结果与用APDC-HMAHMDC /二甲苯进行溶剂萃取的结果进行比较,并使用两种方法彼此吻合良好,日本周围的In浓度在两个采样点之间有很大差异,但在宽阔的海域中,太平洋地区的In浓度几乎相等。和太平洋)的范围为0.08〜0.72 ng / L,结果的相对标准偏差为8.3%〜37.5%。



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