首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Association of Low Age at Menarche with Increased All-Cause Mortality: A 37-Year Follow-up of 61,319 Norwegian Women

Association of Low Age at Menarche with Increased All-Cause Mortality: A 37-Year Follow-up of 61,319 Norwegian Women


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Little is known about the impact of age at menarche on later mortality. In a cohort of 61,319 Norwegian women interviewed in 1956–1959, the authors analyzed associations between age at menarche and all-cause mortality. A total of 36,114 women died during the 37 years of follow-up. An inverse association was found between age at menarche and the all-cause mortality rate (p < 0.001), with an approximately 2.4% (95% confidence interval: 1.6, 3.1) reduced mortality per year increase in age at menarche. The association was stronger in women with an attained age of less than 70 years (3.9% reduction in mortality) than in women aged 80 years and above (1.5%). The inverse association could not be explained by extreme mortality rates in women with very early (10 years) or late (19 years) menarche or by possible confounding variables such as birth cohort, place of residence, occupational category (own or husband's occupation), body mass index, age at first delivery, or parity. Because of lack of data, residual confounding by physical activity or cigarette smoking could not be ruled out. Women with a menarche at age 18 years or later had, however, a slightly higher mortality rate than was predicted by the linear association.
机译:关于月经初潮年龄对以后死亡率的影响知之甚少。在1956年至1959年接受采访的61,319名挪威妇女中,作者分析了初潮年龄与全因死亡率之间的关系。在这37年的随访中,共有36,114名妇女死亡。月经初潮年龄与全因死亡率之间存在负相关关系(p <0.001),月经初潮年龄每年增加的死亡率降低了约2.4%(95%置信区间:1.6,3.1)。年龄小于70岁的女性(死亡率降低3.9%)的关联性强于80岁及以上的女性(1.5%)。逆向关联不能通过初潮很早(10岁)或晚期(19岁)的女性的极高死亡率或可能的混淆变量来解释,例如出生队列,居住地,职业类别(自己或丈夫的职业),体重指数,首次分娩年龄或胎次。由于缺乏数据,不能排除由于体育锻炼或吸烟而造成的残留混杂。但是,初潮年龄在18岁或更晚的女性的死亡率略高于线性关联所预测的死亡率。



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