首页> 外文期刊>American journal of enology & viticulture >Response Of Container-grown Girdled Grapevines To Short-term Water-deficit Stress

Response Of Container-grown Girdled Grapevines To Short-term Water-deficit Stress


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The response of container-grown, girdled vines to water-deficit stress was examined by investigating the leaf net CO_2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (g_s), transpiration rate (E), predawn leaf water potential (Ψ_(PD)), and the fluctuations of stem diameter in vines. At the beginning of withholding irrigation, A, g_s, and E were lower in girdled vines than in control vines. A and g_s decreased 4 and 5 days after the start of withholding irrigation in control and girdled vines, respectively. Ψ_(PD) reached -1.13 MPa in the control vines and -0.67 MPa in girdled vines at 6 days after withholding irrigation. The higher soil water potential in water-deficient girdled vines than in control vines showed lower water consumption in girdled vines. Daytime stem contraction was smaller in girdled vines than in control vines while drying. Hence, results indicated that decreased water use as a result of girdling reduced the depletion of soil water in the containers, which caused high Ψ_(PD) and subsequent low stem contraction in girdled vines. Combined treatment of girdling and short-term strong water-deficit stress did not cause leaf wilt or decrease shoot growth in the subsequent growing season. These results reveal the response of girdled vines to water-deficit stress, especially severe and short-term water-deficit stress, in controlled conditions under which vines were grown in containers in a vinyl greenhouse.
机译:通过调查叶片净CO_2同化率(A),气孔导度(g_s),蒸腾速率(E),黎明前叶片水势(Ψ_(PD)),研究了容器生长的环带藤蔓葡萄对缺水胁迫的响应。 ,以及葡萄藤茎直径的波动。在不灌溉的开始时,环束藤本的A,g_s和E均低于对照藤本。开始对对照和环剥藤蔓停止灌溉后第4天和5天,A和g_s下降。在不灌溉的第6天,对照藤中的Ψ_(PD)达到-1.13 MPa,环剥藤中的-_(PD)达到-0.67 MPa。与对照相比,缺水的环剥葡萄藤的土壤水势较高,表明环剥葡萄藤的耗水量较低。干燥后,环剥藤蔓的白天茎收缩比对照藤蔓小。因此,结果表明,环剥减少了用水量,减少了容器中土壤水分的消耗,这导致环剥藤蔓中的高high_(PD)和随后的低茎收缩。环剥和短期强烈缺水胁迫的综合处理在随后的生长季节中不会引起叶片萎或减少枝条生长。这些结果揭示了在受控条件下,葡萄藤在乙烯温室中的容器中生长的情况下,环剥藤蔓对缺水胁迫的响应,特别是严重和短期缺水胁迫。



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