首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Economics and Sociology >Davenport: 'Single Taxer of the Looser Observance'

Davenport: 'Single Taxer of the Looser Observance'


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Herbert Joseph Davenport (1861-1931) was a prominent, early twentieth-century American economist whose contributions to economic analysis include a sophisticated opportunity-cost theory and a series of lucid presentations of marginal utility theory. Something of an iconoclast, he criticized many of his fellow economists and befriended his former teacher Thorstein Veblen at a time when most economists had lost interest in Veblen's theatrical personality and sweeping denunciations of economic principles. In addition to these accomplishments, Davenport is cited by George R. Geiger in his important book The Philosophy of Henry George, as a major critic of George's theory of capital. Geiger argues that the "classical" distinction between land and capital was "a crucial one for George's economic system," and that "Professor Davenport was perhaps the most characteristic critic of this type of distinction." But following these forthright assertions about George's system and Davenport's criticism of it, Geiger equivocates and severely qualifies his initial declaration that Davenport was "perhaps the most characteristic critic."
机译:赫伯特·约瑟夫·达文波特(1861-1931)是20世纪初期的著名美国经济学家,他对经济分析的贡献包括复杂的机会成本理论和一系列边际效用理论的清晰表述。在大多数经济学家对维布伦的戏剧性格和对经济原理的全面谴责失去兴趣的时候,他批评了许多经济学家,并与他的前任老师索尔斯坦·维布伦成为了朋友。除了这些成就之外,乔治·R·盖格(George R. Geiger)在他的重要著作《亨利·乔治的哲学》中还引用了达文波特作为乔治资本理论的主要批评者。盖格认为,土地和资本之间的“古典”区别是“对乔治的经济体系至关重要的一面”,而“达文波特教授也许是这种区别的最有特色的批评者”。但是,在这些关于乔治体系和达文波特对它的批评的直率主张之后,盖格对他最初的宣称达文波特“也许是最有特色的批评家”的模棱两可进行了模棱两可和严格的限定。



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