首页> 外文期刊>American journal of applied sciences >Statistical Measurement of Nurses' Level of Awareness of Value of Occupational Therapy Services in a Paediatric Ward

Statistical Measurement of Nurses' Level of Awareness of Value of Occupational Therapy Services in a Paediatric Ward


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The study investigated the extent of information the nurses have about Occupational Therapy (OT) and its place within a health Multidisciplinary Team (MDT). It took place in the paediatric ward of the Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital in Gauteng Department of Health. It was stimulated by the adverse attitude of the nurses to the OT staff and/or students from Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) for prescribed OT activities in that ward. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate that if nurses in a MDT setting did not understand OT purpose, then this may cause lack of their appreciation of OT activities and of occupational therapists. Forty-three nurses participated in the study. Most of them did not know much about OT and seemed to have different impressions about the OT profession. The study recommended that the nurses should be informed about other practitioners in the MDT of their workplace, how each one works and the scope of the nurses' work.
机译:该研究调查了护士掌握的有关职业疗法(OT)的信息范围及其在健康多学科团队(MDT)中的位置。它发生在豪登省卫生署乔治·穆哈里博士学术医院的儿科病房。护士对OT员工和/或Sefako Makgatho卫生科学大学(SMU)的学生在该病房中进行规定的OT活动的不良态度激起了这种情绪。该研究的目的是证明,如果在MDT环境中的护士不了解OT的目的,那么这可能会导致他们对OT活动和职业治疗师的认识不足。四十三名护士参加了这项研究。他们中的大多数人对OT的了解不多,似乎对OT行业有不同的印象。该研究建议,应向护士们通报MDT中其他医生的工作场所,每个人的工作方式以及护士的工作范围。



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