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Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver - A Case Study: Reply


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David M. Drakker and Vince Wiggins (2004; hereafter "DW") observed that the solutions to badly scaled and well-scaled versions of the model we analyzed in McCullough and Vinod (2003; hereafter "MV") are practically the same. Analyzing this phenomenon, DW revealed a lacuna in the prescription we offered (MV, Sec. El, subsection B) for analyzing the Hessian. DW called for further research on when the condition number is too high, and correctly indicated that there is a need for determining whether a high condition number "indicates a lack of identification that is inherent in the model and the data, and not something that can be easily fixed[.]" We have conducted the requisite research and can amend our prescription appropriately. We have seen in the literature numerous times the folk theorem that k digits of accuracy are lost in solving a linear system if the data matrix has condition number 10{sup}k. While it is easy to find the folk theorem, it is not so easy to find an important caveat under which the folk theorem might not hold.
机译:David M. Drakker和Vince Wiggins(2004;以下称“ DW”)观察到,我们在McCullough and Vinod(2003;以下称“ MV”)中对模型的不良缩放和良好缩放版本的解决方案实际上是相同的。通过分析这种现象,DW在我们提供的用于分析黑森州的处方中(MV,Sec.El,B小节)揭示了一个空白。 DW呼吁进一步研究条件编号何时过高,并正确地指出需要确定是否较高的条件编号“表明缺乏模型和数据中固有的标识,而不是能够易于修复[。]”我们已经进行了必要的研究,并可以适当地更改我们的处方。我们在文学中多次看到民间定理,如果数据矩阵的条件数为10 {sup} k,则在求解线性系统时会损失k位精度。虽然很容易找到民间定理,但要找到一个重要的警告可能并不容易,那就是民间定理可能不成立。



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