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Lower Bounds on Performance of Metric Tree Indexing Schemes for Exact Similarity Search in High Dimensions


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Within a mathematically rigorous model, we analyse the curse of dimensionality for deterministic exact similarity search in the context of popular indexing schemes: metric trees. The datasets X are sampled randomly from a domainΩ, equipped with a distance,ρ, and an underlying probability distribution, μ. While performing an asymptotic analysis, we send the intrinsic dimension d of Ω to infinity, and assume that the size of a dataset, n, grows superpolynomially yet subexponen-tially in d. Exact similarity search refers to finding the nearest neighbour in the dataset X to a query point ω∈ Ω, where the query points are subject to the same probability distribution μ as datapoints. Let F denote a class of all 1-Lipschitz functions on fi that can be used as decision functions in constructing a hierarchical metric tree indexing scheme. Suppose the VC dimension of the class of all sets {ω: f(ω) ≥ a), a ∈ R is o(n~(1/4) log~2 n). (In view of a 1995 result of Goldberg and Jerrum, even a stronger complexity assumption d~(O(1)) is reasonable.) We deduce the Ω(n~(1/4)) lower bound on the expected average case performance of hierarchical metric-tree based indexing schemes for exact similarity search in (Ωi, X). In paricular, this bound is superpolynomial in d.
机译:在严格的数学模型中,我们分析了在流行索引方案(度量树)的上下文中进行确定性精确相似搜索的维数诅咒。数据集X是从具有距离ρ和潜在概率分布μ的域Ω中随机采样的。在执行渐近分析时,我们将Ω的固有维数d传递到无穷大,并假定数据集n的大小在多项式上呈超多项式增长,但在d上呈指数级增长。精确相似性搜索是指在数据集中X中找到与查询点ω∈Ω最接近的邻居,其中查询点与数据点的概率分布μ相同。令F表示fi上所有1-Lipschitz函数的一类,可用作构造分层度量树索引方案的决策函数。假设所有集合的类的VC维数{ω:f(ω)≥a),则a∈R为o(n〜(1/4)log〜2 n)。 (考虑到1995年Goldberg和Jerrum的结果,甚至更复杂的假设d〜(O(1))都是合理的。)我们推导出预期平均案例性能的Ω(n〜(1/4))下界(Ωi,X)中用于精确相似性搜索的基于分层度量树的索引方案的说明。特别地,该界是d中的超多项式。



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