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Casting an Object with a Core


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This paper addresses geometric problems in manufacturing objects by casting. In casting, molten material is poured into the cavity of the cast and allowed to solidify, after which the cast is removed. The cast has two cast parts to be removed in opposite directions. To manufacture more complicated objects, the cast may also have a side core to be removed in a direction skewed to the removal directions for the cast parts. We address the following problem: Given an object and the removal directions for the cast parts and the side core, can a cast be constructed such that the cast parts and the side core can be removed in the directions specified without colliding with the object or each other? We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the problem, as well as a discrete algorithm to perform the test in O(n 3log n) time for polyhedral objects, where n is the number of vertices, edges, and facets. If the test result is positive, a cast with complexity O(n 3) can be constructed within the same time bound. We also present an example to show that a cast may have Ω(n 3) complexity in the worst case.
机译:本文解决了通过铸造制造对象中的几何问题。在铸造中,将熔融材料倒入铸模的空腔中并使其固化,然后将铸模取出。铸件有两个铸件,要沿相反方向拆除。为了制造更复杂的物体,铸件还可以具有侧芯,该侧芯在偏向铸件的移除方向的方向上被移除。我们解决以下问题:给定对象以及铸件和侧芯的移除方向,可以构造铸件,使得铸件和侧芯可以在指定的方向上移除而不会与对象或每个物体碰撞其他?我们为该问题提供了必要和充分的条件,并提供了一种离散算法以在O(n 3 log n)时间内对多面体对象执行测试,其中n是顶点,边的数量,和方面。如果测试结果为肯定,则可以在同一时间范围内构造复杂度为O(n 3 )的演员表。我们还提供了一个示例来说明在最坏的情况下强制转换可能具有Ω(n 3 )复杂度。



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