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Royal air force wing commander Jock Abercrombie and other pilots of Bomber Command gathered at mid-afternoon on Thursday, December 2, 1943, to find out the day's weather, which was cloudy, and the day's target, which was Berlin. On that night's mission, Aber-crombie's four-engine bomber, an Avro Lancaster with the nose art D for Dog, would carry to the German capital five tons of high explosives and one passenger. The passenger was the chief CBS radio correspondent in Europe, Edward R. Murrow. Murrow was likely the most influential private U.S. citizen during the Second World War. In London during the Blitz, he had his own, personal, finest hour. Each night, standing exposed on rooftops, he gave to an American audience of 20 million live coverage of the city's bombardment and its citizens' resilience. Introduced with the trademark phrase "This... is London," Murrow's reports converted many of his listeners from isolationists into supporters of the British cause. Speaking back in the United States in 1938, he told his audience, "Whether we like it or not, the answer to Europe's problems will be found, not in Europe, but right here in the United States."
机译:皇家空军联队司令乔克·阿伯克朗比(Jock Abercrombie)和轰炸机司令部的其他飞行员于1943年12月2日星期四下午中午聚集在一起,找出当天的天气(多云)和当天的目标(柏林)。在当晚的任务中,阿伯·克朗比(Aber-crombie)的四引擎轰炸机-阿夫罗·兰开斯特(Avro Lancaster),鼻子为D形狗,将向德国首都运送5吨高炸药和一名乘客。这位乘客是CBS欧洲首席广播记者Edward R. Murrow。默罗很可能是第二次世界大战期间最具影响力的美国私人公民。在闪电战期间,他在伦敦度过了自己最美好的时光。每天晚上,他站在屋顶上露面,向美国听众提供2000万现场报道的城市轰炸及其公民的抵御能力。默罗(Murrow)的商标以“ This ... is London”(商标为伦敦)来介绍,他的许多听众从孤立主义者转变为英国事业的支持者。 1938年,他在美国回国时对听众说:“无论我们喜不喜欢,都可以找到解决欧洲问题的答案,而不是在欧洲,而在美国。”



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