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B-52: setting course for 2050


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The last B-52H Stratofortress came off the production line at Boeing's Wichita, Kansas factory in 1962. Yet the current Global Strike Command (GSC) force of 76 active B-52Hs has the best aircraft availability and mission-capable rates of all three bomber platforms, according to General Robin Rand, former GSC commander, addressing the House Armed Services Committee in Washington on March 22, 2018. It is also the least expensive to operate, costing $68,000 per flight hour, a FY2016 figure. The Air Force plans to keep the B-52 in service at least until the 2050s, and will invest in increasing its operational capability over this extended service life. Congress wants to see a plan for this. The upgraded bombers may be redesignated B-52J. New engines The B-52's extended service life will be enabled by the Commercial Engine Reengining Program (CERP), an "investment that is going to help us in the future," according to Lt Gen J D Harris, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Plans and Requirements, speaking at a briefing in Washington on May 7, 2018.
机译:最后一架B-52H同温层堡垒于1962年在波音的堪萨斯州威奇托工厂下线。然而,目前的全球打击司令部(GSC)拥有76架现役B-52H,这三架轰炸机的飞机可用性和任务执行率都最高根据前GSC指挥官罗宾·兰德将军的说法,这些平台于2018年3月22日在华盛顿众议院武装部队委员会致辞。这也是操作成本最低的一项,每飞行小时成本为68,000美元,2016财年的数字。空军计划至少在2050年代之前将B-52保持服役状态,并将在此延长服役期间投入更多资金以提高其作战能力。国会希望为此制定计划。升级后的轰炸机可能会更名为B-52J。新发动机B-52的延长使用寿命将通过商用发动机再计划计划(CERP)来实现,这是一项“将在未来对我们有所帮助的投资”,该计划副总参谋长JD Harris战略计划和要求,于2018年5月7日在华盛顿举行的简报会上发言。



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