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European Command Looks South and East


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Things have changed drastically for US European Command. Personnel strength and base facilities are down about 70 percent since the peak of the Cold War. The old mission, keeping the Soviet Union out of Western Europe, is long gone. In recent years, the focus has been on smaller regional conflicts, notably Operation Allied Force in Yugoslavia in 1999, and on building partnerships with nations that used to be part of the Warsaw Pact. Now, more changes are on the way for EUCOM as the United States shifts its strategic attention to an "arc of instability" that cuts across Africa, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. "The Cold War is over and we're not expecting the Soviet Union, which doesn't exist anymore, to launch a major tank war across the north German plain," Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said on a visit to Iraq in September. "So we need to adjust our footprint. One of the places we're looking at adjusting it is in Europe."
机译:对于美国欧洲司令部来说,情况发生了巨大变化。自冷战高峰以来,人员力量和基础设施下降了约70%。使苏联脱离西欧的古老使命早已荡然无存。近年来,重点一直放在较小的区域冲突上,尤其是1999年南斯拉夫的盟军行动,以及与曾经是《华沙条约》一部分的国家建立伙伴关系。现在,随着美国将其战略注意力转移到遍及非洲,中东和西南亚的“不稳定弧”上,EUCOM的变化也越来越多。国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald H. Rumsfeld)在访问伊拉克期间说:“冷战已经结束,我们不希望苏联不复存在,它将在整个德国北部平原发动大规模的坦克战。”九月。 “所以我们需要调整我们的足迹。我们要调整的地方之一是在欧洲。”



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