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The Redefinition of Strategic Airpower


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Strategic airpower. ... The words still bring to mind the image of B-29s launching from Saipan or B-52s over Hanoi. Since Gulf War Ⅰ in 1991, however, the concept of "strategic" airpower has been stretched to include not just heavy bombers but bomb droppers of all types―from stealthy F-117 fighters to pilotless cruise missiles. It was Operation Iraqi Freedom, though, that redefined the planning and execution of strategic airpower once and for all. B-52s equipped with targeting pods dropped laser guided bombs. A B-1B carried out a quick-response strike targeting Saddam Hussein and his top henchmen. Stealthy B-2s attacked Republican Guard targets. In sum, all the old strategic airpower targeting categories went out the window. Gone, too, were preconceived ideas about phasing and timing, overwhelming blows, and the place of strategic attacks within the joint campaign. Neither the most enthusiastic airman nor the "shock-and-awe" crowd nor the media pundits could have foreseen exactly how diverse and flexible strategic airpower would turn out to be.
机译:战略空中力量。 ...这些话仍然让我想起从塞班岛发射的B-29或河内的B-52发射的图像。但是,自1991年第一次海湾战争以来,“战略”空中力量的概念已经扩展到不仅包括重型轰炸机,还包括从隐身F-117战斗机到无人驾驶巡航导弹的所有类型的炸弹投掷器。但是,正是伊拉克自由行动一劳永逸地重新定义了战略空中力量的计划和执行。装有瞄准吊舱的B-52投放了激光制导炸弹。一架B-1B对萨达姆·侯赛因(Saddam Hussein)和他的主要幕僚进行了快速反应。隐身的B-2攻击了共和党后卫的目标。总而言之,所有旧的战略空中力量目标类别都消失了。关于分阶段和时间安排,压倒性打击以及在联合战役中战略进攻的位置的先入为主的观念也已一去不复返了。无论是最热情的飞行员,还是“震撼与敬畏”的人群,也不是媒体界的专家,都无法确切预见到战略空中力量的多样性和灵活性。



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