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With "Airlift on Thin Ice" [October, p. 32], John Tirpak continues his valuable series of annual updates on air mobility. But I think he underemphasized the real challenges to initiating a successful fix to the national air mobility system, which is in some danger of experiencing a major systemic or operational failure in the near future. The real challenge isn't technological or a series of Band-Aid fixes to geriatric aircraft. A young fleet of widebodied, next generation tankers, C-17s, and C-130Js offers the capacity to move the core of our military requirements. A few C-5Ms and C-27Js at the margins will allow the military to move the critical loads too big for the C-17, and to quiet the gabbling of a few organic users about responsiveness and/or having to plan ahead on their movement requirements. No, such a fleet won't be state-of-the-art or as efficient as possible, but it is available and it will work over the next half-century, particularly if the Air Force manages to wear out the C-5M fleet astutely.
机译:与“薄薄的空运” [十月,第32],约翰·提尔帕克(John Tirpak)继续进行他的有关空中交通的年度有价值的系列更新。但是我认为他没有强调启动成功修复国家空中交通系统的实际挑战,这在不久的将来可能会遇到重大的系统性或运营性故障。真正的挑战不是技术或针对老人机的一系列创可贴修复。一支由年轻壮实的下一代加油机,C-17和C-130J组成的舰队可以转移我们军事需求的核心。少量的C-5M和C-27J可以使军方将关键负荷转移到C-17之上,并减轻一些有机用户对响应能力和/或必须提前计划的担忧。运动要求。不,这样的机队不会达到最先进或尽可能高的效率,但是可以使用,并且可以在下个半世纪使用,特别是如果空军设法使C-5M磨损机敏。



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