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A B-52H bomber assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, La., crashed July 21 off the northwest coast of Guam during a training mission, claiming the lives of six airmen-five aircrew from Barksdale and a flight surgeon from Andersen AFB, Guam. The deceased airmen are: Col. George Martin, flight surgeon; Maj. Christopher M. Cooper, 33, aircraft commander; Maj. Brent D.Williams, 37, navigator; Capt. Michael K. Dodson, 31, copilot; 1 st Lt. Joshua D. Shepherd, 26, navigator; and 1st Lt. Robert D Gerren, 32, electronic warfare officer. Martin was deputy commander of 36th Medical Group. The mishap aircraft, which had no munitions aboard, was one of nine Barksdale B-52s that deployed to Guam in June for a four-month rotational stint to maintain the continual US bomber presence in the region. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on July 16 recommended to the White House that Air Force Lt. Gen. Craig R. McKinley, director of the Air National Guard, be the next chief of the National Guard Bureau. "General McKinley is well-qualified for this important and historic assignment," Gates said during a press briefing on that day. McKinley would be the first officer to lead the National Guard as a four-star general based on a provision in the 2008 defense authorization act.
机译:分配给路易斯安那州巴克斯代尔空军基地第二炸弹联队的一架B-52H轰炸机在一次训练任务中于7月21日在关岛西北海岸坠毁,炸死了巴克斯代尔的六名飞行员,五名机组人员和安徒生空军基地的一名飞行医生关岛死者是:外科医生乔治·马丁上校; 33岁的克里斯托弗·库珀少校,飞机指挥官; 37岁的布伦特·威廉姆斯少校导航员。 31岁的迈克尔·多德森上尉,副驾驶; 1st Joshua D.Shepherd中尉,26岁,航海家;第1中尉罗伯特·D·格伦(Robert D Gerren),32岁,电子战官。马丁曾任第36医疗小组副司令。这架不幸的飞机是机上没有弹药的,是6月份部署到关岛的9架Barksdale B-52飞机之一,为期4个月的轮流任职,以维持美国轰炸机在该地区的持续存在。国防部长罗伯特·盖茨(Robert M. Gates)在7月16日向白宫建议,空军国民警卫队局长克雷格·麦金莱中将担任国民警卫队的下一任负责人。盖茨在当天的新闻发布会上说:“麦金莱将军胜任这项重要的历史性任务。”根据2008年国防授权法的一项规定,麦金利将是率领国民警卫队担任四星级将军的第一名军官。



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