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The False Death of Airpower


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In October 1957, five years before he wrote Seven Days in May, Fletcher Knebel was with Look magazine when he penned an influential feature, "Coming Death of the Flying Air Force." It detailed how guided missiles were on the brink of making manned combat aircraft obsolete."It can be heard in the corridors of the Pentagon, in our bases flung around the world, in statements of the brass and in the design rooms of industry: The flying Air Force is being grounded by the missile," Knebel wrote just a decade into USAF's official existence.It was an early take on a notion that regularly resurfaces. One finds a similar theme in military historian Martin van Creveld's new book, The Age of Airpower. Van Creveld does a creditable job surveying the broad and complex history of airpower in military operations, but goes off the rails during his frequent switches from historian to commentator.Airpower reached its peak in World War II, van Creveld argues, and "fierce debate soon developed as to who had done what, how effective the attacks had really been, and what the overall contribution of airpower to the unfolding of operations was."
机译:1957年10月,也就是弗莱彻·克内贝尔(Fletcher Knebel)撰写《五月的七日》的五年前,他撰写了颇具影响力的专题文章《即将死去的空军》。它详细说明了制导导弹是如何使有人战斗机过时的。”在五角大楼的走廊上,在我们遍布全球的基地中,在黄铜和工业设计室中都可以听到这样的声音:飞行中的空军正被导弹击中,”克内贝尔在美国空军正式成立十年后写道。这是定期重新浮出水面的早期构想。在军事历史学家马丁·范·克里维尔德(Martin van Creveld)的新书《空中力量时代》中发现了类似的主题。范·克雷维尔德(Van Creveld)做得很好,对军事行动中广泛而复杂的空中力量历史进行了调查,但在他频繁地从历史学家转变为评论员的过程中却脱离了轨道。关于谁做了什么,攻击实际上有多有效以及空中力量对行动开展的总体贡献是如何发展的。”



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