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Mobility Maturation


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Having sent Congress a budget plan to reduce the airlift fleet some 20 percent, the Air Force and the Pentagon are now gearing up for a study to ensure mobility force levels are adequate to meet new national strategy requirements while leaving enough to deal with pop-up contingencies. To fulfill the strategy, Air Mobility Command is focusing on standardizing the aircraft types it will keep and launching its own studies of how eventually to replace them. Its commander, Gen. Raymond E. Johns Jr., sees the makeup of the fleet remaining stable nearly to midcentury. However, he worries about the ability to retain overworked personnel and commercial carrier partners whose contracts will diminish rapidly in the coming years. Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, USAF Chief of Staff, acknowledged that mobility studies typically take years, and the airlift cuts in the Fiscal 2013 budget were determined after only a few months of analysis.
机译:在向国会发送了将空运机队减少约20%的预算计划之后,美国空军和五角大楼正在加紧进行一项研究,以确保机动部队的水平足以满足新的国家战略要求,同时留有足够的空间来应对弹出式窗口意外事件。为了实现这一战略,空中机动司令部着重于标准化它将保留的飞机类型,并开始研究如何最终替换它们。它的指挥官雷蒙德·E·约翰斯将军(Gen. Raymond E. Johns Jr.)看到舰队的构成几乎稳定到了本世纪中叶。但是,他担心保留过度劳累的人员和商业承运人合作伙伴的能力,这些人的合同在未来几年将迅速减少。美国空军参谋长诺顿·施瓦茨将军承认,机动性研究通常需要数年时间,而仅在进行了几个月的分析之后,才确定2013财年的空运削减额。



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