
RD- 180-OR Bust?

机译:RD- 180-OR胸围?

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The United States' sustained access to space is in question. Heavily reliant on the Russian-made En-ergomash RD-180 engine to power its launches, US military space personnel are looking for a replacement because of the tense and uncertain status of American and Russian relations. Funds are already being appropriated for research and development of a new engine, but Gen. John E. Hyten, commander of Air Force Space Command, considers the issue to be urgent. He told reporters at the Air Force Association's Air & Space Conference in National Harbor, Md., in September that he'd like to have a US alternative to the RD-180 "yesterday." "Every time I look at [the Atlas V], it's the most beautiful rocket that I've ever seen. It's gorgeous. Then as it lifts ... I look and I see a Russian engine on the bottom," he said. "And it just doesn't seem right. I would prefer that there not be a Russian engine on the bottom of it, but there is."
机译:美国对太空的持续使用存在疑问。由于严重依赖俄罗斯制造的En-ergomash RD-180发动机为其发射提供动力,由于美俄关系的紧张和不确定性,美国军事太空人员正在寻找替代品。资金已经用于研发新发动机,但是空军太空司令部司令约翰·海顿将军认为这个问题很紧迫。他在9月在美国马里兰州国家港口举行的空军协会航空与航天会议上对记者说,他希望在“昨天”有一种替代RD-180的美国替代品。他说:“每次我看到[Atlas V]时,它都是我见过的最美丽的火箭。它非常漂亮。然后它升起……我看着,我看到了底部的俄罗斯发动机。” “而且看起来似乎不对。我希望它的底部没有俄罗斯引擎,但是有。”



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