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The 2014 National Defense Authorization Act changed the review process for awarding the nation's highest military honor for valor in combat. Specifically, it lifted a long-standing restriction preventing service members from earning multiple Medals of Honor, even if several awards are merited. All military services now have three years from the combat action to recommend an individual for the MOH and five years from the date of the action to present the honor, according to the NDAA. Time limits previously varied among the services, leading some in Congress to question the MOH review process for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The bill also approved a waiver to this rule, authorizing the MOH be awarded to Civil War-era 1 st Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing, who as commander of Battery A, 4th United States Artillery, gallantly fought to his death at Cemetery Ridge on the third day of the Battle of Gettysburg on July 3,1863.
机译:2014年《国防授权法》改变了授予战斗中英勇国家最高军事荣誉的审查程序。具体来说,它取消了长期存在的限制,即使获得了多个奖项,服务成员也无法获得多个荣誉勋章。根据NDAA的规定,从战斗行动到推荐一名个人到MOH,所有的军事服务现在有三年的时间,而从授予荣誉的行动开始,还有五年的时间。这些服务之前的时限各不相同,导致国会中的一些人质疑卫生部对伊拉克和阿富汗战争的审查程序。该法案还批准了对该规则的豁免,授权MOH授予内战时期第一中校Alonzo H. Cushing,他是第4美国炮兵炮台A的指挥官,在1863年7月3日,葛底斯堡战役的第三天。



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