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AFA National Report


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Try, Try Again: A Science Project Launches into Space When the SpaceX company's rocket launched on Jan. 10, the Northeast Texas Chapter was as pleased-and relieved-as the International Space Station astronauts and the rocket company's founder, Elon Musk. Along with supplies for the astronauts, the capsule contained a science experiment created by students from Rockwall, Texas. The Northeast Texas Chapter had arranged for a $5,000 donation toward the goal of more than $20,000 needed to send the project into space. The successful launch came a little over two months after the first one ended with the rocket exploding just after liftoff from NASA's Wallops Island facility in Virginia. That Oct. 28 mishap destroyed not only the Orbital Sciences Corp. launcher and its cargo of supplies for the ISS but also 18 science projects by student groups, including one from Rockwall.
机译:重试,重试:一个科学项目发射到太空当SpaceX公司的火箭于1月10日发射时,得克萨斯州东北分会像国际空间站的宇航员和火箭公司的创始人埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一样感到欣慰和欣慰。除了为宇航员提供的物品外,太空舱还包含由得克萨斯州洛克沃尔市的学生创建的科学实验。东北德克萨斯分会已经安排了5,000美元的捐款,以实现将该项目送入太空所需的20,000美元以上的目标。第一个火箭发射结束后两个多月,火箭就爆炸了。火箭从NASA位于弗吉尼亚的Wallops Island设施升空后就爆炸了。 10月28日那场不幸的事故不仅摧毁了Orbital Sciences Corp.的发射器及其为ISS提供的货物,还摧毁了学生团体的18个科学项目,其中包括Rockwall的一个项目。



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