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A USAF F-22, French air force Rafale, and a British RAF Typhoon fly in formation during an exercise at JB Langley-Eustice, Va., in early December. The exercise simulated a highly contested, degraded, and operationally limited environment such as in a conflict with advanced nations like Russia and China, so US and partner nation pilots and ground personnel could test their readiness. The Pentagon will open all military jobs to women, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter announced Dec. 3. "To succeed in our mission of national defense, we cannot afford to cut ourselves off from half the country's talents and skills," Carter said in a press conference at the Pentagon. "We have to take full advantage of every individual who can meet our standards." The policy excluding women from combat roles was rescinded by then-Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta in 2013, who directed that all positions be opened to women by Jan. 1, 2016. However, the Secretaries of the Air Force, Army, and Navy, and the commander of US Special Operations Command were given three years to request exceptions. Carter said about 10 percent of military jobs are still closed to women. The Marine Corps asked to keep some jobs closed, but Carter said he chose to make a decision that applies across the joint force.
机译:12月初,在弗吉尼亚州JB Langley-Eustice进行的一次演习中,一架F-22,法国空军阵风和英国皇家空军台风编队飞行。演习模拟了竞争激烈,退化和运营受限的环境,例如与俄罗斯和中国这样的先进国家发生冲突,因此美国及其伙伴国家的飞行员和地面人员可以测试其准备情况。美国国防部长阿什顿·B·卡特(Ashton B. Carter)于12月3日宣布,五角大楼将向女性开放所有军事工作。卡特在接受记者采访时说:“要成功完成国防任务,我们将无法削减自己一半的人才和技能。”五角大楼的新闻发布会。 “我们必须充分利用能够满足我们标准的每个人。”当时的国防部长莱昂·E·帕内塔(Leon E. Panetta)在2013年取消了将妇女排除在战斗角色之外的政策,后者指示到2016年1月1日之前向妇女开放所有职位。但是,空军,陆军和海军的秘书,美国特种作战司令部司令官被要求三年豁免。卡特说,大约10%的军事工作仍然对女性关闭。海军陆战队要求保留一些工作,但卡特表示,他选择做出适用于整个联合部队的决定。



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