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An invitation to critical social science of big data: from critical theory and critical research to omniresistance


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How a social science of big data would look like? In this article, we exemplify such a social science through a number of cases. We start our discussion with the epistemic qualities of big data. We point out to the fact that contrary to the big data champions, big data is neither new nor a miracle without any error nor reliable and rigorous as assumed by its cheer leaders. Secondly, we identify three types of big data: natural big data, artificial big data and human big data. We present and discuss in what ways they are similar and in what other ways they differ. The assumption of a homogenous big data in fact misleads the relevant discussions. Thirdly, we extended 3 Vs of the big data and add veracity with reference to other researchers and violability which is the current author's proposal. We explain why the trinity of Vs is insufficient to characterize big data. Instead, a quintinity is proposed. Fourthly, we develop an economic analogy to discuss the notions of data production, data consumption, data colonialism, data activism, data revolution, etc. In this context, undertaking a Marxist approach, we explain what we mean by data fetishism. Fifthly, we reflect on the implications of growing up with big data, offering a new research area which is called as developmental psychology of big data. Finally, we sketch data resistance and the newly proposed notion of omniresistance, i.e. resisting anywhere at any occasion against the big brother watching us anywhere and everywhere.
机译:大数据社会科学将是什么样子?在本文中,我们通过许多案例来举例说明这种社会科学。我们从大数据的认知质量开始讨论。我们指出了这样一个事实,与大数据的拥护者相反,大数据既不是新的也不是奇迹,没有任何错误,也不是其欢呼的领导者所假定的可靠和严格。其次,我们确定了三种类型的大数据:自然大数据,人工大数据和人类大数据。我们介绍并讨论它们的相似之处以及其他不同之处。均质大数据的假设实际上误导了相关讨论。第三,我们扩展了大数据的3 V,并参考了其他研究人员的真实性和可侵犯性,这是当前作者的建议。我们解释了为什么Vs的三位一体不足以表征大数据。取而代之的是,提出一个典型性。第四,我们建立了一个经济类比,以讨论数据生产,数据消耗,数据殖民主义,数据行动主义,数据革命等概念。在这种情况下,采用马克思主义方法,我们解释了数据拜物教的含义。第五,我们反思大数据成长的意义,提供了一个新的研究领域,即大数据的发展心理学。最后,我们概述了数据抵抗力和新提出的全方位抵抗力的概念,即在任何时候抵抗任何地方的老大哥看着我们无处不在。



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