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Improving rumen fermentation and milk production with legume-tree fodder in the tropics


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Feeding leguminous fodder that is high in protein can improve rumen fermentation parameters leading to increased digestibility and intake of low quality fibrous feeds, and hence improved animal production. The effect on dry matter (DM) degradation and rumen fermentation parameters of feeding urea or tree legume foliage (Erythrina poeppigiana or Gliricidia sepium), as protein supplements to a basal diet of Hyparrhenia rufa hay, rice bran and molasses, was studied with rumen fistulated steers (Zebu × Creole crossbreeds). In a second experiment, Jersey × Creole crossbreeds were used to determine the effect of the above three treatments on milk production. Both experiments were conducted at CATIE's experimental farm, Turrialba, Costa Rica (9°58′ N; 83°31′ W; 639 m above sea level; mean annual precipitation of 2600 mm; mean daily temperature 22 °C). The disappearance of hay DM in the rumen increased with time to 144 hours and potential degradation of hay DM was significantly higher (P < 0.05) for the legume diets compared to urea but there were no differences between legume species. Legume based rations resulted in total volatile fatty acid concentrations of rumen licor that were 15 to 24% higher than for urea based rations (P < 0.05). The concentration of rumen NH3-N was highest two hours after feeding and tended to decrease in time. The urea ration resulted in significantly higher NH3-N than the legume rations, reaching 45 mg/100 mL two hours after feeding. Milk yields did not differ (P > 0.05) when cows received either E. poeppigiana or G. sepium foliages as protein supplements (7.3 and 7.4 kg milk/cow/day, respectively) but they were superior (P < 0.05) to urea supplementation (6.7 kg milk/cow/day).
机译:饲喂蛋白质含量高的豆科饲料可以改善瘤胃发酵参数,从而提高消化率和摄入劣质纤维饲料,从而改善动物生产。研究了将尿素或豆类植物叶片(Erythrina poeppigiana或Gliricidia sepium)作为基础饲料补充黑麦草干草,米糠和糖蜜的基础饮食对干物质(DM)降解和瘤胃发酵参数的影响。 (牛(泽布×克里奥尔杂交)。在第二个实验中,使用Jersey×Creole杂种确定上述三种处理对产奶量的影响。两项实验均在哥斯达黎加图里亚尔巴的CATIE实验农场进行(北纬9°58';西经83°31';海拔639 m;年平均降水量2600 mm;日平均温度22°C)。瘤胃中干草DM的消失随时间增加至144小时,并且与尿素相比,豆类饮食中干草DM的潜在降解显着更高(P <0.05),但豆类之间没有差异。基于豆类的日粮导致瘤胃里克的总挥发性脂肪酸浓度比基于脲类的日粮高15至24%(P <0.05)。饲喂后2小时瘤胃NH3--N的浓度最高,时间倾向于减少。尿素的日粮比豆科植物的日粮中的NH3 -N含量显着更高,进食后2小时达到45 mg / 100 mL。当母牛接受E. poeppigiana或G. sepium叶子作为蛋白质补充剂(分别为7.3和7.4 kg牛奶/牛/天)时,牛奶产量没有差异(P> 0.05),但优于尿素补充剂(P <0.05) (6.7公斤牛奶/牛/天)。



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