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Adaptation of herbaceous plant species in the understorey of Pinus brutia


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Most of Pinus brutia (Ten.) Holmboe forests are grazed, as silvopastoralism is well adapted in the Mediterranean environment. However, little attention has been paid to the demographic dynamic of the understorey vegetation even though it is strongly affected by the absorbed radiation. The purpose of this study was to examine the adaptation of herbaceous plant species under a Pinus brutia canopy, in Northern Greece. Monocultures of four plant groups (annual and perennial grasses, annual and perennial legumes) were sown in experimental areas of 50%, 70% and 100% light intensity. The density of annual and perennial grasses and perennial legumes were decreased by the shade cast by the Pinus brutia canopy. Population density of the annual legumes was little affected by light intensity: the annual grasses Bromus mollis L. and Lolium rigidum Gaudin; the perennial grasses Dactylis glomerata L. var. palestine, Festuca arundinacea and Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn; the perennial legume Medicago sativa L. var. romana; the annual legumes Medicago lupulina L. and all the tested varieties of Trifolium subterraneum adapted well to the 50% light intensity habitat.
机译:布鲁索斯松(田纳西州)的大部分霍尔姆博森林都被放牧了,因为森林牧民主义在地中海环境中适应得很好。然而,即使底层植被受到吸收辐射的强烈影响,也很少关注底层植被的人口动态。这项研究的目的是研究希腊北部松树冠层下草本植物物种的适应性。在光强分别为50%,70%和100%的实验区域中播种了四个植物群(一年生和多年生禾本科植物,一年生和多年生豆科植物)的单种栽培。一年生和多年生禾草和多年生豆类的密度因布鲁斯松树冠层的阴影而降低。一年生豆科植物的种群密度几乎不受光强度的影响:一年生禾草Bromus mollis L.和黑麦草Lo刚性木高丁;多年生草Dactylis glomerata L. var。巴勒斯坦,金合欢和Agropyron cristatum(L.)Gaertn;多年生豆科植物紫花苜蓿罗马一年生的豆科植物紫花苜蓿和所有测试的白三叶变种都很好地适应了50%的光照强度栖息地。



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