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Food sovereignty, urban food access, and food activism: contemplating the connections through examples from Chicago


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The idea of food sovereignty has its roots primarily in the response of small producers in developing countries to decreasing levels of control over land, production practices, and food access. While the concerns of urban Chicagoans struggling with low food access may seem far from these issues, the authors believe that the ideas associated with food sovereignty will lead to the construction of solutions to what is often called the “food desert” issue that serve and empower communities in ways that less democratic solutions do not. In Chicago and elsewhere, residents and activists often see and experience racial and economic inequalities through the variety of stores and other food access sites available in their community. The connections between food access, respect, and activism are first considered through a set of statements of Chicagoans living in food access poor areas. We will then discuss these connections through the work and philosophy of activists in Chicago centered in food sovereignty and food justice. Particular focus will be placed on Growing Power, an urban food production, distribution, and learning organization working primarily in Milwaukee and Chicago, and Healthy South Chicago, a community coalition focused on health issues in a working class area of the city.
机译:粮食主权的思想根源在于发展中国家的小生产者对土地,生产方式和粮食获取的控制水平下降的反应。尽管困扰着食物匮乏的城市芝加哥人的担忧似乎与这些问题相去甚远,但作者认为,与粮食主权有关的思想将导致构建解决方案,以解决通常被称为“粮食荒漠”问题的服务和赋权社区采用民主程度较低的解决方案所没有的方式。在芝加哥和其他地方,居民和激进主义者经常通过社区中各种商店和其他食物获取场所看到并经历种族和经济不平等现象。首先通过一系列生活在粮食获取贫困地区的芝加哥人的陈述来考虑粮食获取,尊重和行动主义之间的联系。然后,我们将通过以食品主权和食品正义为中心的活动家在芝加哥的工作和哲学来讨论这些联系。重点将放在主要在密尔沃基和芝加哥工作的城市食品生产,分销和学习组织Growing Power,以及致力于该市工人阶级地区健康问题的社区联合组织Healthy South Chicago。



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