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Economic Evaluation of Collection, Transport and Utilization of Straw in the Swath of Wheat Stubble


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The objectives of this work were to economically evaluate the collection, transport and utilization of the straw available in the swath left by the combine harvester in the wheat stubbles and to estimate the possible benefits for the farmers. In order to achieve these objectives, data about straw availability from 15 farms in three Chilean provinces generated in a recent research work were used. For the baling, collection and transport, three models of rotobalers and three of rectangular balers, a front loader mounted on a tractor, a wagon and workers were considered; for the off?the?farm transport the local tariff of 2.2 US$ km"1 was used. The Annual Equivalent Cost and the Net Present Value, at a 10 % real annual interest, indicators were used to obtain the operating costs of the tractors and machines and to evaluate the different alternatives. The results showed that the baling, collection and transport costs reachedrnvalues from 17.2 to 26.1 US$ ha1, the possible benefits for the farmers could reach values between 42.6 and 48.9 US$ ha~(-1), the Net Present Value could go from US$ 18,300 to 40,500 for farms from 10 to 100 wheat hectares and the farmers could benefit from the sale of their straw including transportation up to 50 to 80 km.
机译:这项工作的目的是从经济角度评估联合收割机在麦茬中留下的the条中可获得的秸秆的收集,运输和利用,并估计对农民的可能收益。为了实现这些目标,使用了最近一项研究工作中从智利三个省的15个农场获得的秸秆可用性数据。在打包,收集和运输方面,考虑了三种型号的旋转打包机和三个矩形打包机,安装在拖拉机上的前置装载机,货车和工人。对于非农用运输,使用2.2 US $ km-1的本地费率。以当年实际年利率的10%计的年度等效成本和净现值,使用指标来获取拖拉机的运营成本结果表明,打包,收集和运输成本从17.2美元ha-1升至26.1美元ha1,农民可能获得的收益可能在42.6美元至48.9美元ha〜(-1)之间。 ,从10到100公顷小麦的农场的净现值可以从18,300美元增加到40,500美元,农民可以从出售秸秆(包括运输50到80公里)中受益。



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