首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America >Performance Evaluation of Paddy Straw Pasteurizer for Mushroom Cultivation

Performance Evaluation of Paddy Straw Pasteurizer for Mushroom Cultivation


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Paddy straw found to be one of the most efficient substrate for mushroom cultivation. Since the straw is mainly composed of lignin and cellulose that are degraded enzymatically in the course of substrate utilization by the fungus. The edible mushrooms utilize lignocellulose as a source of carbon for their growth through enzymatic degradation. But very often a number of competitive fungi are found to grow in paddy straw during mushroom cultivation which affects the spawning rate, mycelium growth and mushroom yield. Hence pasteurization is an important process to prevent the growth of these competitor fungi and make the substrate more favourable for mushroom mycelia growth. For effective paddy straw pasteurization, a pasteurizer was developed and its performance was evaluated. Straw was pasteurized after soaking in normal water and without soaking. Different temperature-time combinations and compression levels was used. Substrate obtained was used to cultivate three commonly cultivated mushroom species in India. Hypsizygus ulmariusn, Pleurotus Sajor-caju and Calocybe Indica offered highest yields of 290.7 g/kg substrate with biological efficiency of 79.6 %, 254.1 g/kg substrate with biological efficiency of 69.6 % and 342.3 g/kg substrate with biological efficiency of 93.8 %, respectively. Contamination was absent when straw was pasteurized at 80 ℃ for 2 h under maximum compression.
机译:稻草被认为是蘑菇栽培最有效的基质之一。由于秸秆主要由木质素和纤维素组成,这些木质素和纤维素在真菌利用底物的过程中会被酶降解。可食用蘑菇利用木质纤维素作为碳源,通过酶促降解来生长。但是,通常在蘑菇种植期间发现稻草中会生长许多竞争性真菌,这会影响产卵率,菌丝体生长和蘑菇产量。因此,巴氏灭菌法是防止这些竞争性真菌生长并使基质对蘑菇菌丝体生长更有利的重要过程。为了有效地对稻草进行巴氏消毒,开发了巴氏消毒器并对其性能进行了评估。将稻草浸泡在普通水中并且未浸泡后进行巴氏消毒。使用了不同的温度时间组合和压缩级别。获得的底物用于在印度种植三种常见的栽培蘑菇。 ulmariusn,Pururotus Sajor-caju和Calocybe Indica的产量最高,分别为290.7 g / kg底物,生物效率为79.6%,254.1 g / kg底物,生物效率为69.6%和342.3 g / kg底物,生物效率为93.8%,分别。在最大压缩下,将稻草在80℃下巴氏灭菌2小时后,没有污染。



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