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The Effect of White Matter Low Attenuation on Cognitive Performance in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type


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The effect of leukoaraiosis or white matter low attenuation (WMLA) on cognitive function is not fully understood. We compared the neuropsychological performance of 37 Alzheimer's disease patients with WMLA on CT brain scans with a similar group of 31 Alzheimer's disease patients with no evidence of white matter lesions. Patients with WMLA performed significantly worse on tests of visuospatial function (Cube Analysis test, p = 0.004), and cognitive speed (Kenrick Digit Copying test, p = 0.05) compared to those with no visible white matter lesions. Patients with widespread WMLA performed generally worse in tests of cognitive function than those with frontal or a mixture of frontal and occipital WMLA. This was most significant in the areas of attention (forward digit span, p = 0.003), visual recognition (p = 0.004), and cognitive speed (p = 0.03). There is an association between impaired cognitive performance and the presence of WMLA in Alzheimer's disease patients, with WMLA probably contributing to the cognitive impairment. This is most evident in patients with widespread white matter lesions.
机译:白细胞软化病或白质低衰减(WMLA)对认知功能的影响尚不完全清楚。我们将37例WMLA的阿尔茨海默氏病患者在CT脑扫描上与相似的31例无白质病变证据的阿尔茨海默氏病患者的神经心理性能进行了比较。与无可见白质病变的患者相比,WMLA患者的视觉空间功能测试(立方体分析测试,p = 0.004)和认知速度测试(Kenrick Digit Copying测试,p = 0.05)明显较差。广泛的WMLA患者在认知功能测试中的表现通常要比额额或额叶和枕位WMLA混合的患者差。这在注意力(前数字范围,p = 0.003),视觉识别(p = 0.004)和认知速度(p = 0.03)方面最为重要。阿尔茨海默氏病患者的认知能力受损与WMLA的存在之间存在关联,WMLA可能是导致认知障碍的原因。这在患有广泛的白质病变的患者中最为明显。



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