首页> 外文期刊>Aerospace science and technology >Fast preliminary design of low-thrust trajectories for multi-asteroid exploration

Fast preliminary design of low-thrust trajectories for multi-asteroid exploration


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Multiple-asteroid exploration with low-thrust propulsion requires the design of transfer trajectory and the selection of the visiting sequence, as well as the estimation of the propellant budget. To this end, this paper presents a method to generate transfer trajectories and visiting sequences rapidly using finite Fourier series (FFS) and Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). The FFS method can generate the transfer trajectory rapidly, which can provide suitable initial approximations, leading to more accurate trajectory optimizations. This study adopts the MCTS algorithm for asteroid sequence selection in the multi-asteroid exploration. By comparing with the traversal algorithm, the greedy algorithm and the tree search algorithm with the trimming strategy, the numerical results show that the MCTS can be used to obtain a quasi-optimal sequence with higher probability and less computation time. Consequently, a method combining FFS and MCTS can rapidly acquire the quasi-optimal visiting sequences with a large probability and the suitable initial trajectory for a multi-asteroid exploration mission. This is very important for the rapid feasibility assessment of hundreds of flight scenarios at the preliminary mission design stage. (C) 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:具有低推力推进力的多小行星探索需要设计转移轨迹和选择探视序列,并估算推进剂预算。为此,本文提出了一种使用有限傅里叶级数(FFS)和蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)快速生成转移轨迹和访问序列的方法。 FFS方法可以快速生成转移轨迹,可以提供合适的初始近似值,从而导致更精确的轨迹优化。本研究采用MCTS算法进行多小行星探索中的小行星序列选择。通过与遍历算法,贪婪算法和带有修整策略的树搜索算法进行比较,数值结果表明,MCTS可以以较高的概率和较少的计算时间来获得准最优序列。因此,结合FFS和MCTS的方法可以大概率快速获取准最优访问序列,并能为多小行星探索任务提供合适的初始轨迹。这对于在初步任务设计阶段对数百个飞行场景进行快速可行性评估非常重要。 (C)2019 Elsevier Masson SAS。版权所有。



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