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Migrating the development of complex aerospace systems toward commercial practices


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In summary, some of the common themes throughout this are as follows. • The first is to emulate a commercial SATCOM architecture. Adapting a commercial equilibrium point requires compromise between commercial best practices and MIL standards. Emulating insurance is also an alternative which may require a warranty through the early-failure period. Dividing capability among multiple satellites and biasing complexity to the ground segment enables incremental control of on-orbit capacity. • The second theme is the development of program documentation in advance of system acquisition. Key documents would allow for government oversight in design, manufacturing, and test. • The third theme dealt with developmental items. It is important for early identification of developmental items through an equipment qualification status review and to treat developmental items differently. Including a small amount of developmental scope is possible in an overall fixed-price contract, though a challenge is to ensure that FAR Part 12 allows for this small amount of development. Mutually agreed pre-defined categorization methods and a test plan will mitigate risks. Long lead developments need to be completed prior to the start of a program, however selected flight qualification activities may be conducted in parallel with system acquisition. • Finally, the theme of migrating toward a commercial equilibrium point is accelerated by standardizing a large portion of the spacecraft and utilizing modular payloads. Developing a hardware specification prior to the official program start and implementing as many threshold and objective requirements helps to mitigate requirements creep. Bridging the gap between commercial and complex government aerospace systems is possible by executing contracts with a specification. The common theme throughout is not only apply to communications satellites, but can also be extended to other government mission areas.
机译:总而言之,贯穿此的一些共同主题如下。 •第一个是模拟商业SATCOM架构。调整商业平衡点需要在商业最佳实践和MIL标准之间做出折衷。模拟保险也是一种替代方案,可能需要在整个早期失效期内提供保修。多颗卫星之间的分配能力以及将复杂性分配给地面部分的能力,可以实现对在轨能力的增量控制。 •第二个主题是在系统购置之前开发程序文档。关键文件将允许政府对设计,制造和测试进行监督。 •第三个主题涉及发展项目。对于通过设备资格状态审查及早发现发展项目并以不同方式对待发展项目,这一点很重要。总体固定价格合同中可能包含少量的开发范围,尽管要确保FAR第12部分允许这种少量的开发是一个挑战。相互商定的预定义分类方法和测试计划将降低风险。在计划开始之前,需要完成长期的机长开发,但是可以在获取系统的同时进行选定的飞行资格认证活动。 •最后,通过使航天器的大部分标准化并利用模块化有效载荷,加快了向商业平衡点迁移的主题。在正式计划启动之前制定硬件规范,并实施尽可能多的阈值和客观要求,有助于缓解要求的攀升。通过执行具有规范的合同,可以弥合商业和复杂的政府航空系统之间的差距。贯穿整个主题的主题不仅适用于通信卫星,还可以扩展到其他政府任务领域。



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