首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems >Noise Statistics of a Higher Order Directional Sensor, Realized by Computing Finite Differences Spatially Across Multiple Isotropic Sensors

Noise Statistics of a Higher Order Directional Sensor, Realized by Computing Finite Differences Spatially Across Multiple Isotropic Sensors


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An acoustic "particle velocity sensor" (a.k.a. a geophone) exhibits a gain-response with a cosine-like directivity. The particle velocity sensor may be realized in hardware by two "pressure sensors" (of isotropic directivity) displaced in space, and by computing the spatial first-order finite difference between the data of the two isotropic component-sensors. As each component-sensor's data are degraded by additive noises (modeled here with much generality as stochastically distributed as "stable" (a.k.a. "alpha stable" or "$alpha$ stable"), and not restricted to being Gaussian), the particle velocity sensor as a whole would also experience noise, the statistics of which is analytically derived here. Furthermore, beyond this particle velocity sensor involving a first-order finite difference, the work presented here also derives the composite noise statistics of higher order difference realizations of sensors of higher order directivity in their gain responses.
机译:声学“粒子速度传感器”(又称地震检波器)表现出具有余弦样方向性的增益响应。粒子速度传感器可以通过在空间中移位的两个(各向同性方向性的)“压力传感器”,以及通过计算两个各向同性分量传感器的数据之间的空间一阶有限差分,以硬件方式实现。由于每个成分传感器的数据都会因加性噪声(此处建模时具有很大的通用性,如“稳定”(又称“α稳定”或“ $α$稳定”)随机分布,并且不限于高斯)而退化,因此粒子速度传感器作为一个整体也会受到噪声的影响,此处的统计数据是通过分析得出的。此外,除了这种涉及一阶有限差分的粒子速度传感器之外,这里介绍的工作还可以导出具有较高方向性的传感器的增益响应中具有较高阶差分实现的复合噪声统计数据。



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