首页> 外文期刊>Advances in space research >Novel method for reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from multispectral data for complex coastal and inland waters

Novel method for reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from multispectral data for complex coastal and inland waters


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Hyperspectral resolution image products of a synthetic sensor featuring the high spatial resolution of the space-borne sensor can offer cost-effective means for enhancing our current capabilities in terms of providing an array of images in lieu of designing an expensive system for image acquisition, which can serve the expanding needs of the scientific and user communities for various critical water color applications. Despite several studies on enhancing the capability of land remote sensing sensors, full spectrum reconstruction of water color images with varying spectral bands is hampered by the lack of methods and accurate atmospheric correction procedures. In the present work, a novel method is developed for reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from high spatial-resolution Sentinel 2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) data representative of many complex waters in coastal and inland zones. This method uses a deep neural network (DNN) with multiple blocks of deconvolution and dense layers. The spectral reconstruction of hyperspectral resolution images from multispectral data was based on rigorous training data from the atmospherically-corrected and validated HICO normalized water-leaving radiance products (with spectral resolution 438-868 nm sampled at 5.7 nm) of diverse water types. The generalizability and versatility of the DNN method was tested and evaluated systematically by means of various qualitative and quantitative analyses using concurrent space-borne (MSI and HICO) and in-situ measurements from different regional waters. Reconstructed hyperspectral resolution radiances obtained from the MSI images closely matched with independent HICO and MSI measurements within the desired accuracy. Successful reconstruction and validation of the hyperspectral radiances indicate that the proposed state-of-the-art method provides possible future directions for enhancing our current capabilities of space-borne sensors for various research purposes and societal applications at local, regional and global scales.



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