首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Atmospheric Sciences >Recent progress in studies of climate change in China

Recent progress in studies of climate change in China


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An overview of basic research on climate change in recent years in China is presented. In the past 100 years in China, average annual mean surface air temperature (SAT) has increased at a rate ranging from 0.03°C (10 yr)−1 to 0.12°C (10 yr)−1. This warming is more evident in northern China and is more significant in winter and spring. In the past 50 years in China, at least 27% of the average annual warming has been caused by urbanization. Overall, no significant trends have been detected in annual and/or summer precipitation in China on a whole for the past 100 years or 50 years. Both increases and decreases in frequencies of major extreme climate events have been observed for the past 50 years. The frequencies of extreme temperature events have generally displayed a consistent pattern of change across the country, while the frequencies of extreme precipitation events have shown only regionally and seasonally significant trends. The frequency of tropical cyclone landfall decreased slightly, but the frequency of sand/dust storms decreased significantly. Proxy records indicate that the annual mean SAT in the past a few decades is the highest in the past 400–500 years in China, but it may not have exceeded the highest level of the Medieval Warm Period (1000–1300 AD). Proxy records also indicate that droughts and floods in eastern China have been characterized by continuously abnormal rainfall periods, with the frequencies of extreme droughts and floods in the 20th century most likely being near the average levels of the past 2000 years. The attribution studies suggest that increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere are likely to be a main factor for the observed surface warming nationwide. The Yangtze River and Huaihe River basins underwent a cooling trend in summer over the past 50 years, which might have been caused by increased aerosol concentrations and cloud cover. However, natural climate variability might have been a main driver for the mean and extreme precipitation variations observed over the past century. Climate models generally perform well in simulating the variations of annual mean SAT in China. They have also been used to project future changes in SAT under varied GHG emission scenarios. Large uncertainties have remained in these model-based projections, however, especially for the projected trends of regional precipitation and extreme climate events.
机译:介绍了近年来中国气候变化基础研究的概况。在过去的100年中,中国的年平均地表气温(SAT)的增长速度从0.03°C(10年)-1 到0.12°C(10年)-1 。这种变暖在中国北方更为明显,而在冬季和春季则更为明显。在过去的50年中,至少每年平均变暖的27%是由城市化引起的。总体而言,在过去的100年或50年中,总体上没有发现中国全年和/或夏季降水的明显趋势。在过去的50年中,已经观察到重大极端气候事件发生频率的增加和减少。全国范围内极端温度事件的发生频率总体上显示出一致的变化模式,而极端降水事件的频率仅显示出区域和季节性的显着趋势。热带气旋登陆的频率略有下降,但沙尘暴的频率显着下降。代理记录表明,过去几十年的年均SAT值是中国过去400-500年中最高的,但它可能没有超过中世纪温暖期(公元1000-1300年)的最高水平。代理记录还表明,中国东部的干旱和洪涝一直以持续不正常的降雨为特征,而20世纪的极端干旱和洪灾的频率最有可能接近过去2000年的平均水平。归因研究表明,大气中温室气体(GHG)浓度的增加可能是导致全国观测到的地面变暖的主要因素。在过去的50年中,长江流域和淮河流域在夏季经历了降温趋势,这可能是由于气溶胶浓度和云量增加引起的。但是,自然气候的变化可能是过去一个世纪观测到的平均和极端降水变化的主要驱动力。气候模型在模拟中国年均SAT的变化方面通常表现良好。它们还被用于预测各种温室气体排放情景下SAT的未来变化。这些基于模型的预测仍然存在很大的不确定性,尤其是对于区域降水和极端气候事件的预测趋势而言。



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